Hello Millenial Readers, 

How are you guys doing amidst these trying times? We sure do hope you are keeping safe in these uncertain times. In regards to the floods that we have been experiencing, we are here yet again to equip you with fashion tips to aid you.

You can always tailor-make your closet to adapt to the floods. There are however some essentials to incorporate in your wardrobe to help protect yourself against the hazardous weather.

Lightweight Rain-Wear

Contrary to what you might believe during the floods, it is best to keep it as light as possible. This is because heavy dense materials tend to absorb a lot of water and since in one way or another, you might find yourself drenched in water, you need to equip yourself with lightweight waterproof materials that allow the water to slide off to the ground instead of absorbing it to your skin. Some of the items that do these include;

Raincoat/Waterproof Jacket

A raincoat is a coat that prevents you from getting wet from the rain. It often is as long as your height and prevents you from getting drenched and/or affected by other elements. It is quite suitable in the heavy rains and is made from non-absorbent material like nylon. It does not require a lot of maintenance and can be worn back to back as required. Invest in a good quality raincoat to ensure longevity and avoid tearing. 

A waterproof jacket is a normal jacket that is water resistant. It works the same as a raincoat. Keep in mind that under your raincoat or waterproof jacket, you can wear as many warm clothes as you like and clothes made from any absorbent material as oftentimes, the jacket comes in a free size. You can even wear your backpack or handbag under your raincoat as most times, the raincoat has some extra room.

Plastic Covers

There are various plastic covers for different attires. There are shoe covers to avoid your shoes from getting wet. There are some for your bags. There are even plastic bags that inflate to cover a whole car. These covers are tailored to fit the specific article of clothing they are covering and come in handy when protecting your items. They come in various colours but the main one is colourless


In this uncertain weather, boots are the way to go. They keep you warm and have extra surface area to avoid getting into contact with mud and water on your feet and calves. They come in various materials, designs and colours. The main boots for rainy weather are gumboots. They are water resistant, shock absorbent and are made of rubber.  They come in different colours but the predominant colour is black. There are also other types of boots that offer style and comfort like leather boots. However one needs to be careful during purchasing to avoid boots made of a material that absorbs water.


In this rainy season, it is imperative to arm yourself with an umbrella. It can be a cute accessory to add to your outfit. Umbrella’s come in different shapes and sizes and there are even small ones that can fit into your handbags. It is important to buy a steady and strong umbrella that will withstand heavy rainfall and strong winds. 

Gloves and Socks

These are essentials in keeping your hands and feet warm. Cotton or wool gloves and socks are the best, however, you have to ensure that they do not get wet as they retain water. If in areas that are prone to floods, invest in some plastic gloves, as they will protect you from harmful bacteria and viruses you can contract from water-borne diseases. Thick warm socks can be worn under the boots to keep your feet warm. Just ensure that they do not get wet.

Final Thoughts

In the midst of floods and heavy rains, it is important to keep yourself safe and take care of yourself. This often involves adapting to the current conditions and what is fashion if not adaptable? We hope that some of the essentials provided in this blog are helpful and that you incorporate at least one or two essentials. Remember to keep safe and take care of your health. We hope to see you again next week, same time and place for some more fashion tips.

See you next Friday,

Benedette ❤❤❤