Hello Millenial Readers,

I hope you’ve been having a good time, well, aside from the ongoing protests that have brought our country to a standstill. I hope you are keeping safe though. 

Away from that, today I thought I would talk about taking a breather. Contrary to the previous posts where I have been intentionally advising us to keep going so that we finish strong, a friend of mine recently reminded me how it’s also important to slow down and reflect just to make sure we’re not going on strong in the wrong direction. In case you’re anything like me and you’re not sure how to go about this, then this post is just for you, please read on.

Benefits of Taking a Breather and How to Go About It

Acknowledge the Importance of a Breather

Often, we may feel guilty for slowing down, fearing that it might hinder our progress. However, taking a breather allows us to gain perspective, reevaluate our priorities, and assess our current trajectory. By acknowledging the significance of this pause, we give ourselves permission to take care of our mental and emotional well-being.

Create Space for Reflection

Carve out dedicated time for introspection and self-reflection. Find a peaceful environment where you can disconnect from distractions and simply be with your thoughts. This can be during a solitary walk in nature, prayer and meditation, or even journaling your feelings and thoughts.

Identify Your Intentions

During your breather, remind yourself of the initial reasons that propelled you on your journey. Are you still passionate about your goals, or have your aspirations changed over time? Understanding your intentions will help you align your actions with your true desires.

Assess Your Progress

Take a comprehensive look at your accomplishments and setbacks. Celebrate the milestones you’ve achieved, and analyze the challenges you’ve encountered. This evaluation will provide you with a clear understanding of your growth and the areas that require improvement.

Seek External Input

Reach out to friends, mentors, or trusted confidants who can offer valuable insights. Share your thoughts with them and listen to their perspectives. Sometimes, an outsider’s viewpoint can shed light on aspects that we might have overlooked.

Realign Your Goals

If you discover that you’ve been heading in the wrong direction, don’t be disheartened. Embrace the opportunity to adjust your course. Realign your goals and create a new plan that resonates with your current aspirations and values.

Embrace the Journey

Remember that life is not just about reaching the destination; it’s about enjoying the journey as well. Embrace the process and savour the experiences along the way. By doing so, you’ll find renewed inspiration and motivation to keep going.

Implement Healthy Habits

Incorporate regular breaks and moments of relaxation into your routine. Engage in activities that bring you joy and replenish your energy. Prioritize self-care, as a well-rested and content mind is more likely to make sound decisions.

Set Intentional Checkpoints

Establish periodic checkpoints in your journey where you’ll reassess your progress and adjust your path if needed. This proactive approach ensures that you stay on track and avoid straying too far from your intended direction. You can even include people you love and trust as your checkpoints, this will serve as a reminder in case you are unable to do so on your own.

Final Thoughts

Even as I write this, I’m excited because I am currently in this process and I can’t wait to see the results. Let me know in the comment section if you are open to trying this out for yourself too.

Until next time.

Noanne ❤❤❤