Hello Millenial Readers,

I must say that the last several days have been harrowing. I believe that most of us have been following the unfolding story of the Shakahola Massacre, in which a rogue evangelist named Paul Mackenzie has been misleading hundreds of his followers into starving to death in the hope of entering heaven. This occurrence saddens me, and I have so many unanswered questions. What is the real reason for the massacre? How could the government have been unaware that hundreds of people were disappearing? How devious was the so-called “Prophet”? For what offence will he be charged?

I understand that this is a contentious issue for many people. But, in reality, so many families have been affected, and I feel that a large proportion of them are millennials and Generation Z. Given the recent developments, I will discuss why churches in Kenya should be monitored, using the Paul Mackenzie cult group as an example.

Reasons for Regulation of the Church and Other Religious Institutions

Kenya is a religiously diverse country, with Christianity being the most widely practised faith. Churches of various denominations are common in different sections of the country. While religion is an important part of many people’s lives, there is rising worry about the advent of cults and rogue churches that mislead and endanger people’s lives.

The development of cult groups in Kenya is concerning. Several cult groups have emerged in the country in recent years, causing enormous harm to their followers. The Paul Mackenzie cult, for example, has been linked to the deaths of at least 79 people. The cult was created in 2010 by Paul Mackenzie, a self-proclaimed prophet. The organization claims to provide spiritual advice and healing to its members. What has been released, though, tells a different narrative.

The Paul Mackenzie cult is well-known for its radical beliefs and actions. Fasting, celibacy, and other types of self-denial are encouraged by the organisation. Members must likewise give up all worldly things and subject to Paul Mackenzie’s rule. The gang has been accused of brainwashing its members and inflicting physical and psychological harm on them.

The cult has been linked to multiple deaths, including children who were denied medical attention by their members’ parents. Human sacrifices and other criminal practices have also been accused of the gang. Despite several complaints and reports concerning the group, it was able to function freely for several years due to Kenya’s lack of religious institution supervision.

The Paul Mackenzie cult group case is only one illustration of why Kenyan churches must be monitored. While there are many genuine churches in the country, many rogue churches exploit people’s vulnerabilities for their own gain. Because of the lack of legislation, such churches can function without monitoring or accountability.

Regulating Kenyan churches would aid in the suppression of cults and rogue religions. It would ensure that religious institutions be held accountable for their acts and follow the law. It would also aid in the protection of followers’ rights, which are frequently exploited and abused by these rogue churches.

Church regulation would also enhance transparency and accountability in the religious sector. Many churches in Kenya are governed by people who are neither qualified nor trained to perform the obligations of church leadership. Church regulation would ensure that only competent individuals can seek office and are held accountable for their conduct.

Finally, the rise of cult groups in Kenya, such as the Paul Mackenzie cult group, is cause for alarm. The country’s absence of church supervision has made it easy for such organizations to operate without scrutiny or accountability. Church regulation in Kenya would serve to reduce the creation of cult organizations and rogue churches, improve openness and accountability, and protect followers’ rights. It is past time for the Kenyan government to take action to control churches before more lives are lost.

What Can the Government Do in Response?

There are several steps that the government can take in response to the emergence of cult groups and rogue churches in Kenya. Here are some of the measures that can be taken:

  1. Establish a regulatory framework for religious institutions – The government can create a legal framework that provides guidelines for establishing and operating religious institutions. This framework should outline the minimum requirements for the registration and operation of religious institutions.
  2. Establish a regulatory authority – The government can establish a regulatory authority responsible for overseeing the activities of religious institutions in the country. This authority should have the power to investigate and take action against religious institutions that violate the law.
  3. Conduct regular inspections – The regulatory authority can conduct regular inspections of religious institutions to ensure they comply with the law. This will help prevent the emergence of cult groups and rogue churches that endanger people’s lives.
  4. Enforce existing laws – The government can enforce existing laws that regulate religious institutions’ activities, which could help ensure that religious institutions operate within the confines of the law and that they do not engage in criminal activities.
  5. Educate the public – The government can educate the public on the dangers of cult groups and rogue churches. Such an approach would help raise awareness and prevent people from falling victim to these groups.
  6. Collaborate with religious leaders – The government can work with religious leaders to promote responsible and ethical practices within the religious sector, which could promote transparency and accountability.

The emergence of cult groups and rogue churches in Kenya has negatively impacted many people, including the youth population. Young people are often the most vulnerable and are easily lured into these groups. They are being exploited, radicalized, abused, and exposed to criminal activities. The government and other stakeholders need to take action to prevent these groups’ emergence and protect young people from their harmful effects, which can be achieved through education, regulation, and law enforcement.

Fabian ✌✌✌