Last night, my friends were having a discussion on mental health and people living with mental health issues. We had questions like “What is it like being in a relationship with someone who has a mental health issue?” “Is it a big factor in a relationship?” “Does it change anything?” “How long should one take to let their partner know if they are having a mental health issue?”. The question that stuck with us the longest was the last one since everyone had their “ideal time” to take before disclosing this information. So, this is what we will be discussing today. 

Mental health issues can sometimes be difficult to talk about, especially when you need to disclose it to your partner. You may feel scared, vulnerable, and uncertain about how your partner would take the news or the trajectory that your relationship may take after that. However, this is an important step to take and will also help in building support, trust, and intimacy in the relationship. Today, I’ll share some tips that you can use when disclosing this to your partner.

Choose the Right Time and Space

When planning to have this conversation with your partner, it is important to choose the right time and space. Find a time when both of you are free from any distractions and are not busy with anything. Or schedule a time that works for the both of you. Also, find a nice quiet place that feels comfortable and safe for the both of you to talk and have an open conversation.

Be Honest

Speaking up about this can be scary and you may rethink it or want to give half-truths. While this may seem like the easy and comfortable thing to do, it will not be beneficial in the end. If this is a relationship that you are trying to build and work on, then it is important that honesty and trust be fundamental. This will require you to be completely honest to your partner and let them in. It will also enable them to support you when needed. Explain your condition to your partner, and how it affects your emotions, behaviors, or different aspect of your life. Also, be clear about the kind of support you would need from them.

Be Prepared for Different Reactions

Different people react differently to situations. Your partner’s reaction might not be what you would expect it to be. But before speaking to them about it, I would recommend that you ensure they are a safe space for you and that you feel safe about speaking to them. Your partner may instantly understand and be supportive, while another might need more time to process and try to see how they can be of assistance. All in all, do not approach them with a fixed mindset. Be open to any reaction from them and whatever the reaction, remember to be patient, understanding, and non-judgemental.

We have shared tips that you can use to disclose to your partner that you are struggling with a mental health issue. I understand that this can and will feel really scary, but it is an important part in your relationship and will help build trust and offer an environment for support. Even as you are working towards doing this, it is important to ensure you feel safe with your partner. That they offer an environment where you are free to be you and express yourself and where you shall be given support. Above all, remember you deserve love and support, and that there is no shame in seeking help when you need it. 

Sharonah ♥️♥️♥️