Have you ever asked yourself how policies are made in our country or cared to understand how these policies affect us? I consider it essential for young people like myself to participate in Kenya’s policy-making process.

The decisions taken today will directly affect our lives in the future since we are this nation’s future. Therefore, our opinions must be heard and taken into account when making decisions. In this blog post, we will explore why millennials and Generation Z should be involved in policymaking and how they can do that in Kenya.

Young people should be involved in policymaking for a variety of reasons, but one of the key ones is that we have a special viewpoint on matters that directly affect us. For instance, as a young person, I am concerned about topics like climate change, unemployment, and education. By involving young people like me in the policy-making process, policymakers can gain a better understanding of these issues and create policies that meet our needs.

Additionally, I think that young people are more inclusive and diverse than earlier generations. We were raised in a society that valued inclusivity and celebrated variety. We may therefore encourage more inclusive and varied policies that reflect our beliefs and experiences by involving us in the policy-making process.

Youth participation in policymaking can also aid in bridging the generational gap, which is another reason why I think it is important. In Kenya, there is frequently a chasm between generations due to their divergent perspectives, attitudes, and worldviews. We can encourage intergenerational communication and develop policies that benefit all generations by incorporating young people in the policy-making process.

As a matter of fact, there are many ways youths can take part in the formulation of policies. Here are some of the ways:

1. Join political parties or youth organisations – Young people can join political parties or youth organisations to learn about policy-making and get involved in the political process.

2. Participate in public forums and consultations – There are often public forums and consultations on policy issues that young people can participate in. They can provide feedback on policies and share their experiences and perspectives.

3. Engage with elected representatives – Millennials and Generation Z can engage with their elected representatives, such as MPs or MCAs, to share their views on policy issues and advocate for policies that benefit them.

4. Use social media – Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for young people to engage in political discourse and advocate for policies that benefit them. Young people can use social media platforms to share their perspectives, highlight issues that matter to them, and engage with policymakers.

Therefore, I would like to encourage my fellow young people to be at the forefront of fighting for our future. We cannot afford to sit back and watch as decisions that affect our lives are made without our input. We must actively engage in the policy-making process and advocate for policies that meet our needs and reflect our values. By getting involved, we can make a difference and create a better future for ourselves and future generations. Let us join political parties or youth organisations, participate in public forums and consultations, engage with elected representatives, and use social media to advocate for policies that benefit us. Our future is in our hands, and we have the power to shape it. Let us take charge and fight for the future we want to see.

Until Next Time

Fabian 🙇