So, I visited my Upcountry home last week. As a proud member of the Luhya community, I seized the chance to journey back to my roots during this festive occasion. However, when I arrived, I discovered that most people had planted late due to delays in the government’s provision of cheap fertilisers; consequently, most had missed the brief rains that lasted less than a week. 

So I began to wonder why we have become so dependent on such manufactured products to increase agricultural yields. I recall that when I was younger, manure was the primary source of nutrients and synthetic fertiliser was used as a supplement. I have also realised that there may be a severe food shortage in future because the majority of millennials and generation z value white-collar careers over blue-collar jobs such as farming. Therefore, today I want to talk to you about the importance of Sustainable Agriculture and why Millennials and Generation Z must embrace it.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?

Our planet faces a multitude of environmental challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, among others. Unsustainable agricultural practices are a significant factor contributing to these challenges. The use of chemicals, overfarming, and monoculture have caused soil degradation, water pollution, and a decline in biodiversity. 

To put it into perspective, did you know that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that agriculture accounts for approximately 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions? This is exacerbated by unsustainable agricultural practices such as over-fertilisation and the use of synthetic fertilisers. In addition, the intensive use of pesticides and herbicides pollutes water bodies, soil, and air, which negatively impacts human health and the environment.

In addition to unsustainable agricultural practices, there is an impending food shortage crisis in the future. It is a common misconception that farming is obsolete, unprofitable, and unattractive. Numerous urban-raised youth have never been exposed to farming or agriculture. They may view farming as a monotonous and physically demanding occupation with low pay and few advancement opportunities. This perception is reinforced by popular culture and the media, which frequently portray farming as an antiquated and dull occupation. The absence of youth participation in sustainable agriculture can have serious consequences for food security and environmental protection. Soil and water, which are required for agricultural production, must be preserved through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. Without a new generation of farmers employing sustainable agriculture practices, the risk of environmental degradation and biodiversity loss will increase, resulting in detrimental effects on food security and the environment.

Therefore, as Millennials and Generation Z, it is imperative that we take action and embrace sustainable agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture is a method of farming that prioritises conserving natural resources while producing sustenance for the world’s expanding population. It includes crop rotation, the use of natural fertilisers, and integrated insect management.

Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture

So, what are the benefits of Sustainable Agriculture? 

  • First and foremost, Sustainable Agriculture practices reduce the negative environmental impact of agriculture. Crop rotation and cover crops, for instance, assist to preserve soil quality by reducing erosion and water runoff. In addition to reducing the use of hazardous pesticides, integrated pest management (IPM) practices promote biodiversity by encouraging natural pest predators.
  • By adopting Sustainable Agriculture, we can also contribute to the improvement of food security. Sustainable Agriculture practices support local food systems, provide access to nutritious, affordable, and locally grown food, and aid small-scale farmers who frequently struggle to gain access to markets dominated by industrial agriculture.
  • To give you an example, a 2018 study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that small-scale farmers in Kenya who adopted Sustainable Agriculture practices, such as crop diversification and soil conservation, increased their yields by 73%. This increased producers’ food security and incomes, reducing rural poverty and fostering sustainable rural development.
  • Sustainable agriculture can have significant economic benefits in addition to its environmental advantages. By assisting small-scale farmers who practise sustainability, we can create employment and support rural livelihoods. According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), small-scale producers are responsible for over 80% of employment in developing countries and produce over 70% of the world’s food.

In conclusion, as Millennials and members of Generation Z, it is our responsibility to safeguard the environment and ensure a sustainable future. Sustainable agriculture is one manner in which we can contribute to this goal. We can have a significant impact on the environment, our communities, and our health by selecting sustainably grown food and supporting farmers who employ sustainable practices. Let us work together towards a better future!

Fabian ✌✌✌