Hello Millenial Readers,

It was the dead of night, the clock ticking past 1 a.m., and there I sat, perched on the edge of my bed, wondering what to write for my political column. As a writer for the Millenial, I’ve developed a complicated love-hate relationship with politics. Sometimes, I find it exhilarating and enlightening, but more often than not, I find myself feeling overwhelmed, sad, and deeply concerned for our World’s and country’s futures.

It’s a difficult balancing act, staying informed and engaged with the political landscape while also safeguarding my mental health and well-being. So often, I find myself asking the same questions over and over: why are we constantly fighting? Why is there so much division and hatred among our citizens?

In an effort to stay informed, I turn to social media, particularly Twitter, which has always been my go-to platform for keeping up with the latest news and opinions. But lately, I find myself avoiding it more and more. The constant barrage of confrontations, abuse, and vitriol has become too much to bear, even for a seasoned political writer like myself.

After much soul-searching, I’ve come to the conclusion that populism politics is one of the key issues fueling chaos and confusion in our nation. It’s an insidious force that often presents itself as a solution to our problems, promising easy answers and quick fixes to complex issues. But in reality, it’s nothing more than a dangerous game of smoke and mirrors, designed to manipulate and divide us.

So today, I want to delve into this topic, explore its adverse effects on our society, and explain why it’s more important than ever for us, as Millennials and Generation Z, to rise above this kind of politics.

What is Populism?

Populism is a political ideology that seeks to appeal to the interests and emotions of ordinary people, often by presenting simplistic solutions to complex problems. Based on this definition, I am sure you can relate to populism ideologies in our nation. While populism can be a valuable tool for mobilising the electorate and promoting political change, it can also negatively affect democracy.

Negative Effects of Populism Politics

Here are some of the ways through which this political approach negatively affects democracy:

1.    Polarisation and divisiveness: Populism often creates a polarised political environment. Populist leaders tend to frame issues in terms of “us versus them”, dividing society into two camps: the “people” and the “elite”. This polarised environment can make it difficult for different groups to come together and find common ground, leading to political gridlock and instability. This has been a primary concern in a country where ethnicity has historically been a significant political factor.

2.    Authoritarianism: Populist leaders often present themselves as the sole representatives of the people, claiming to have a direct line to their interests and desires, leading to authoritarian tendencies, where the leader sees themselves as above the law and immune to criticism. Populist leaders may also undermine the independence of the judiciary, media, and civil society, seeing them as part of the “elite” that needs to be brought down.

3.    Short-termism: Populist leaders focus on short-term solutions to problems, such as immediate relief for the poor and marginalised, rather than addressing long-term structural issues. Such solutions can result in unsustainable policies that do not address the root causes of the problems they are trying to solve.

4.    Anti-pluralism: Populist leaders often reject the idea of pluralism, where different groups and interests are represented in the political process. Instead, they see themselves as the sole voice of the people, with no need for compromise or negotiation. This anti-pluralism can lead to a situation where only one group’s interests are represented, marginalising other groups and weakening democracy.

What Can We do?

Millennials and Generation Z are two generations that have come of age during a time of political upheaval, economic uncertainty, and social change. In many countries around the world, populist politics has become increasingly popular among these younger generations, who are seeking to challenge the status quo and find new solutions to pressing problems. Hence, they are easier to manipulate with populist ideas. 

Given the dangers of populism, instead of relying on such political ideologies, Millennials and Generation Z should prioritize critical thinking, engagement, and a commitment to democratic principles. By seeking to understand complex issues, engaging with different perspectives, and working within established democratic institutions, these younger generations can contribute to positive change in society. In this way, they can rise beyond populism politics and work towards a more just and equitable future.

To conclude, we should know that “Populism is the triumph of emotion over reason.”  Most politicians know human emotional vulnerabilities and use them to fulfil their political agendas. While past generations have easily been victims of these ideologies, the current ones are uniquely placed to change the status quo. We have the power to reshape the future of our country, to demand more from our leaders, and to create a world that is more just, equitable, and peaceful. It’s time to put aside the hate and division and come together as a united force for change.

Until Next Time

Fabian ✌✌✌