Greetings, Millenial readers! Happy Tuesday! The Millenial News is thrilled to present another article on this day. Previously, we have discussed the difficulties and competitiveness of the job market, including the challenging job search process and absurd interview requirements. For instance, some employers demand candidates to be at least 26 years old with several years of experience, which is unrealistic given that Gen Zs complete their studies earlier and start looking for jobs by the age of 23.

It’s a frustrating situation, to say the least. According to reports, there are insufficient employment opportunities to match the available labour force, which has compelled many youths to explore alternative career options. Entrepreneurship is one such option that most young people are considering.

The World Economic Forum has reported that 77% of Africa’s current population is under the age of 35. The African Development Bank has predicted that by 2063, there will be 850 million young people on the continent, making up the majority of the working-age population. A recent report by the AFDF has revealed that 10-12 million young Africans enter the job market every year. However, the economy is only able to generate 3 million jobs annually. As a result, a significant number of young people who enter the job market each year have limited options and are forced to either face unemployment, work in the informal sector, be underemployed, start a business, or create employment opportunities.

As Millennials and Gen Zs, we possess a unique characteristic of readily embracing technology, change, and development. This quality can work to our advantage if we use it effectively. Our creativity, innovative ideas, and disruptive thinking can transform traditional industries such as energy, media, technology, and production, among others. By identifying societal problems and providing solutions, we can create a significant impact. The Millenial News is encouraging young people to start right there and begin the process of positive change.

How do I go about it? You may ask. Here are a few guidelines.

1. Break stereotypes and societal barriers.

One of the biggest obstacles that prevent graduates from pursuing entrepreneurship is the ingrained belief that “education is the key to success,” which we have been taught since childhood. I am not here to debate the validity of this statement, but the reality is that this mindset is not necessarily true in today’s world. This belief hinders many young people from exploring business opportunities that could be more lucrative than some traditional white-collar jobs, simply because they are not viewed as “professional” by society. This mindset creates an illusion that professional jobs are more desirable, which is not always the case. Unfortunately, many young people leave school with the expectation that they will easily find jobs, only to discover that the job market is highly competitive and challenging. The high expectations and pressure from society make the situation even more stressful for them.

You have the power to break free from such limiting beliefs and take control of your life. For instance, you can choose to visit “Gikomba” market, buy affordable second-hand clothes using only 300 shillings, and then resell them to your friends at a profit of 5,000 shillings, which would leave you with a net profit of 2,000 shillings. If you manage to do this for just two days a week, you could earn up to 6,000 shillings, which translates to 24,000 shillings per month, which is way better than waiting indefinitely for a 10,000 shilling internship interview. Furthermore, there are other simple and lucrative businesses such as selling eggs and smokies that you can venture into. Therefore, the choice is yours to make.

2. Start from where you are and whatever you have.

This advice is especially relevant to those who have developed skills, talents, and a good craft. For instance, if you are skilled in hairdressing, fashion, makeup, tailoring, cooking, and other related areas, you can leverage your abilities to earn an income. You can offer your services as a provider, letting people know about your skills and talents. Once someone requests your services, you can make yourself available and earn money for delivering the service. For instance, if you are a good cook and can make delicious chapatis, you can let people know about your services and offer to cook for them when they have events or visitors. Starting from such small opportunities, you can gradually grow your business and expand your clientele. I hope this advice gives you some ideas on how to capitalize on your skills and talents to earn a living.

3. Take advantage of people around you.

The people around you are potential clients, trust me. You only need to view them that way. These people have needs that they consume everyday, and you can be the supplier. A good example of mine, I’m a Youth entrepreneur too, I use my hair talent to provide service and trust me I started with zero capital. I only told a friend who had undone her hair that I know how to plait and that was it, years down the line she is the source of my increasing client base. So I wonder what if I never reached out to her? Whoops, the answer is definite. Right now, my mobile salon business helps me manage my bills because it’s paying. Those around you probably just need to know that you’ve got something they may need, and that’s it.

4. Power of social media.

Did you know that I also started a hair and beauty page From nowhere people just followed it, and I’ve got a good number of followers down the line which makes it good for marketing my work continually. I won’t forget to mention WhatsApp which keeps my clients reminded of what I do. That’s the power of social media. What a lucky generation we are. Another way that social media can be of help, is to this category of youths who are gifted in art( music, dance, comedy, acting, fashion, modelling, dj, MC etc) these talents only need people to be aware that you are good in it by posting your art everyday either on WhatsApp status, Facebook, IG or TikTok. It can garner you lots of followers making you a potential brand for various companies and you get paid for being an ambassador or for hosting events. Social media is such a powerful tool. 

5. Learn skills, short courses and try new things.

This advice is particularly directed towards those who are unsure of their strengths and passions in life. It’s important to explore different options and learn new skills. Take advantage of digital learning and training platforms like ALX or YouTube. By doing so, you may discover something you love and can venture into as a career.

6. Seek help and trust the process.

Nobody is born with all knowledge, so there’s no penalty for seeking it. Learn from those who are ahead of you.

For those with startup ideas but lacking in capital, consider seeking help from friends or family. Let them know your plans and if they’re interested, they may be willing to contribute financially. You could also approach organizations that sponsor new businesses, but only after drafting a well-crafted proposal or business plan that convinces them to invest in your idea.

Finally, remember that you are your biggest supporter. Don’t let the environment around you define who you are. Instead, create your own environment and believe in your abilities to overcome obstacles and be successful. Trust the process and start somewhere. I hope this has inspired you to start your journey. See you in my next article!
