Hiking is not only a healthy activity but also a fun and interesting one. From experiencing the beautiful waterfalls and breathtaking nature, it is all so exhilarating. The problem usually comes down to finding the appropriate outfit for hiking as not all outfits can go when it comes to this activity.

When planning for a hike, you should consider your safety and comfort when selecting the proper hiking outfits. Today we will be looking at the dos and don’ts of hiking outfits


Any Cotton and denim clothing item is not ideal for hiking as it absorbs moisture really easily and sweat, rain, or even river water will be soaked up and no one wants to walk around all soaked up. Additionally on that, silk also holds up moisture and retains bad odours which are bad for hiking as this activity involves a lot of sweating. They can also tear easily and they are not versatile.


These pairs of socks may or may not work for everyone as they may become uncomfortable throughout the hike, mostly the no-show socks. You also don’t want a pair of socks that will keep falling down to your shoes during the hike as the pairs of socks you wear are important when it comes to hiking so choose a pair that is comfortable and will serve you throughout this adventure.


Most hiking locations more so in the central part of Kenya may be extremely cold but this doesn’t mean you have to wear bulky hiking outfits when you start hiking, the body will generate its own heat making you uncomfortable throughout the hike so instead, you can carry a warm jacket but not too bulky.


Avoid going with flats or sandals or even regular boots for hiking as they may get damaged and you will feel uncomfortable throughout the hike. Instead, carry sports shoes if it’s a regular hike but to be on the safe side, invest in good long-lasting hiking boots. Good shoes will save you from the agony of falling so before any hike, make sure you know the environment and the weather so as to select the proper shoes. I have fallen victim before due to poor research and instead went blindly with my smooth sole sports shoes to the slippery slopes just to fall and soil my entire outfit. The moral of the story, get shoes with a good grip for hiking.


Although this is not a clothing item, I’ll just add it here for awareness. Do not wear sweet and floral perfumes as you will end up attracting the wrong crowd. Seriously though, bugs and bees love the sweet smells and you may end up being a victim of bug manifestation. To add, some fragrances do not mix well with sweat so it’s only wise to skip them for a day.

As we conclude, always remember to keep the weather in mind and do research on the location you will be going to. I hope you have enjoyed this article and you have picked up something new. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family so that they are also well-equipped for their next hiking adventure. 

Have a lovely weekend and a good week ahead of you and remember to go out for a hike once in a while as it is good for your mind body and soul.

Victoria ❤❤❤