Hello Millenial Readers,

The much-awaited Valentine’s Day is now something of the past, and based on the few people I saw posting their partners and gifts received,  I would say it was a disaster for many of us. Talking of disasters, last week, we began an exciting column discussing earthquakes and their causes. This week,  I want us to dive deeper and look at various measures that we, the millennials and generation z, can take to ensure that we are prepared for such events, unlike how most of us were less ready for Valentine’s shocker.

Everyone needs to be prepared for earthquakes, but it is especially important for millennials and generation Z, who may have never experienced such disasters. We should recognize that times are changing, and the effects of climate change and our interference in the earth’s core promote higher frequencies and intensity of earthquakes and other disasters. This article will discuss how millennials and members of Generation Z can prepare for earthquakes and reduce their risks.

Recognize the risks

Understanding the risks is the initial step in earthquake preparation. Earthquakes can occur anywhere, but some regions are more susceptible than others. Due to their proximity to tectonic plates, some areas, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, have a greater earthquake risk. Understanding the risks in your region can help you better prepare. For instance, in Kenya, such events may not be familiar but still occur and vary with intensity.

Make a Plan

Having a plan is one of the essential steps in earthquake preparedness. This plan should include instructions for what to do during and following an earthquake. It is necessary to have an evacuation plan that provides for an outdoor meeting location. Ensure that everyone in your household knows and regularly practises the plan.

Create an Emergency Pack

A disaster kit is also a crucial component of earthquake preparedness. It should contain food, water, and supplies sufficient for at least 72 hours. Additionally, your emergency kit should include a first-aid kit, a flashlight, a radio, and a whistle. Ensure that everyone in your household knows the emergency kit’s location.

Secure Your Home

Another essential step in earthquake preparedness is securing your home. Identify and repair any structural flaws in your home, such as wall or foundation cracks. Bookcases and televisions should be connected to prevent them from falling during an earthquake. Carry a fire extinguisher and be familiar with its use.

Stay informed

Information is vital during an earthquake. Ensure you have access to a dependable information source, such as a radio or television. Additionally, you can download apps that will alert you when an earthquake occurs. It is also crucial to recognize the warning signs of an earthquake, such as trembling or rumbling, to react quickly.

Develop Good Habits

Lastly, practising good habits can contribute significantly to earthquake readiness. Teach your family to drop, cover, and hold on during an earthquake. This necessitates falling to the ground, taking shelter beneath a sturdy piece of furniture, and holding on until the shaking ceases. Avoid using elevators during an earthquake, and designate a safe area in each of your home’s rooms.

To summarise, earthquakes are potentially imminent natural disasters. Preparedness is essential, and millennials and generation Z can take steps to reduce their risks. By understanding the risks, creating a plan, assembling an emergency kit, securing their home, remaining informed, and practising good habits, they can be prepared for earthquakes and stay safe during these potentially hazardous events.

Stay Safe

Until Next Time

Fabian ✌✌✌