Writing this title just reminded me of the season greeting cards that we normally see in December and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when I noticed that. December is just around the corner and everyone is rushing to beat deadlines and wind up on their work before the year comes to an end. Hello Millenial Readers, today let’s talk about seasons.

Despite the many efforts that are normally put into content, posts and quotes about not comparing ourselves to others, sometimes this habit is almost inevitable. Human beings tend to perceive other people’s lives as being better than theirs, or even more worth living. This then leads them to make crazy choices or simply end up in a state of depression. That is not how it is meant to be though. You are meant to enjoy your life at whatever stage and not live wishfully in someone else’s. Simply put, learn to endure in your season.

Seasons vary for individuals, as the good book clearly states; “For everything, there is a season,” Ecclesiastes 3:1.If you examined your life right now, what season would you say you are currently experiencing? Just like every winter yields to spring so do our lives vary. The following are some of the seasons that we all encounter in life, understanding this will help you identify the season you are in and hopefully make you thrive in high seasons and patient enough in your low seasons.

The Dry Season

I like to identify this season as the dark night of a soul. Nothing ever seems to be working and one feels frustrated and hopeless. Well, just like every other above season this too requires some patience. Giving yourself grace and seeking spiritual help is a good way to help overcome this season

The Trial Season

They say challenges make life worth living. Life without obstacles is pretty much boring and you can’t really say you’ve lived a full life without describing the challenges you went through and how you overcame them. It’s part of life and it happens to the best of us so keep going and know that you are not alone.

The Busy Season

This is the, “I don’t have enough time to get everything done!” time in life. Sometimes we have big projects or little people that need more of our time than in other seasons. I’m in this season right now as I write this article. Busyness is becoming a value in modern-day culture, but it is not something that you should glorify. The key to succeeding in this time is to recognize and organize what needs to get done, and then plough through those priorities. Attacking your priorities first will also help alleviate undue stress.

The Happy Season

You just got married, your kids are bringing you joy, or you just graduated. Maybe you are killing it at work, and it seems like you have everything figured out. This is the fun season for you – the happy season, enjoy it while it lasts.

The key thing about seasons is that they don’t last, so try and be in the moment in every season even as you go through them. They exist for a reason and going through them gives your life a pure sense of balance that makes you more grateful for life.

Noanne ❤❤❤