Ever since I was small I would spend a lot of time looking for the perfect notebook to write on, It was important to me for it to be the right colour, have the right patterns and even font on the cover page. This accompanied by the right pencil or pen (I preferred pencils though) would be enough to get me inspired and write my best. Maybe this did contribute to my great writing or not, I’m not really sure, but all I know is that this made me very happy and kept me going every time. This is a habit I still practise to date, only this time I also spend a significant amount of time looking for the perfect writing software. Good Morning Millenial Readers, today I would like us to talk about the little habits that keep us going even during tough times.

They say that human beings are creatures of habit (and routine), when you really think about it, this would imply that we are made up of a collection of habits that we tend to perform either consciously or unconsciously. Unfortunately, some of these habits we practise may have a negative impact on our lives and that’s why it’s quite important to constantly do self-evaluations in order to identify these wrong habits. Anyhoo, there is always room for learning and unlearning new things for today let’s have a look at some of the good habits that have helped in keeping me going so far, maybe it’s the same as yours or you just wanna borrow mine, feel free.

3 Habits That Have Kept Me Going in 2022

1. Meditation and Devotion

Spirituality is a yes for me. I believe of human beings have both spiritual and physical aspects in them hence it is important to take care of both sides. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that meditation and devotion are important parts of my daily routine. For meditation, I spend a lot of time in serene, comfortable and safe environments doing reflective exercises or just digesting scripture. I can literally do this for hours and hours before reality checks in. In these moments I also try to listen to myself by observing my ways, thoughts, words and deeds to try and identify if there is a part I have erred and then I try coming up with a solution to counter. As for devotion, these are times I spend in worship and prayers, sometimes including fasting. Through this expression and spiritual experiences, I am able to gain strength and get rejuvenated for my next big task.

2. Journaling

I know a lot has been said about this, including expert advice and all. Personally, I’ll just explain it in terms of how it works for me. I had been journaling unconsciously all my life, being a writer, it sort of comes with the territory. But once I bumped into an article that talked about the psychological benefits of journaling, I decided to actively make it part of my routine. At the beginning of every year, since 2016, I always buy a beautiful, well-designed, sometimes customised notebook (depending on the state of my pockets at that time). The colours often depend on what I’m vibing to at that moment but normally I even have my own theme of the year going, so that would influence my choice when purchasing. You can simply go for one with your favourite colours you don’t have to be as detailed as I am.

Journaling allows me to express and record my thoughts in writing. I the things I am unable to communicate via speech I find myself easily able to express them through journaling. Though it might be hard at the beginning you’ll get the hang of it. I still have like 98% of my journals with me and one thing in particular that really impacted me was that I was able to go back to my history and identify patterns in my life through the journals. From that, I have been able to change some negative patterns and improve on my good patterns. They also remind me to celebrate my wins and appreciate the growth I’ve made over time, let’s also add how relieved I often feel after journaling, it somehow makes me emotionally stable. You could give it a try and let me know how it’s working for you.

3. Purpose

The desire to keep on going is often driven by a purpose/goal that you would like to achieve and I feel like that is something everyone should strive to have. What is your purpose? That is the question you need to answer, you don’t need to have it figured out in detail, truth is, I don’t think everybody has that figured out like that unless maybe you are God, the omniscient one. I think the idea is to have something that motivates you for your tomorrow and figuring it out is part of the process and that is what keeps you going. For me, it’s basically empowering young people through content creation. I work on this daily and intentionally, and hopefully through articles like this, I can help inspire millennials and gen zs to live a quality and fulfilled life.

As the year comes to an end, I hope this article comes just in time to inspire you to keep going. Personally writing this has led me to want to do better and achieve more in my life, even as we draw nearer to 2023 I know I’ll be adding more items to this list. Here’s to living an intentional and fulfilled life. Cheers!

Noanne ā¤ā¤ā¤