A beautiful morning to you Millenial News Readers, I hope all is well so far. If it’s not, then maybe this article today will cheer you up. Please stick around and let’s find out.

Today I would like us to talk about balance. After learning about glorified busyness for the past 2 weeks, I feel it is also important to talk about balancing your life, after all, we don’t want you becoming lazy in the name of not wanting to glorify being busy. Life is lived best when you are in a balance, and life is most dangerous when you are in extremes. Let’s talk.

What is Balance?

Out of all the many definitions of the word balance. This one was and still is my favourite.

put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.

The word ‘steady’ in this sentence already preaches stability, firmness, strength, ability to withstand pressure and so on. All good things. Who would not like to be steady? Even in a relationship, when you say you are going steady, the statement already indicates some kind of promise for that relationship right? So it is in this case too.

How to Check and Attain Balance?

I like listening to older people speak (you should see my podcast playlist 😂) because I learn a lot from them. Their perspectives are normally different from how I am seeing life at the moment, so I’m usually quite fascinated by that. In one of my conversations with one of them, I learned something that I had never heard of before and that is particularly what I would like to share with you. The older man X one day instructed me to make a table with 3 lists of people. The first category include the people that need me, the second one included the people that feed me and the final one had people that are just fun to be with.

He then continued to say that most of the time when we are experiencing burnout, or our lives are unbalanced, it is usually because that balanced table of our life is not balanced. As I made my list I realized my need me category was so long and the other two barely had anything at all. From that he advised me that I should always try and make those three categories balance, “never again should you let them l go to extremes,” he said. That method would always tell me if I’m living a steady life or not.

That conversation alone led me to rethink my whole life. Yes, I was living my life but I had not been keeping myself in check. When you are always the one satisfying other people’s needs and there’s nobody catering to your needs then you are sincerely doing yourself a disservice. I don’t know what kind of balance you were expecting me to talk about today, but this is the type of balance that starts with self. Take care of yourself, and put strategies in play to monitor how you are living your life, then and only then will you be able to balance all the other issues of life.

I hope this helps you.

Until next time.

Noanne ❤❤❤