Just a few days ago, on October 10th, we celebrated world mental health day. This day is geared towards promoting awareness of mental health and trying to reduce the stigma around it. A lot has been done around this and there is still more to be done. We should all join hands towards this cause. However, today, I want us to focus on ourselves. I want us to look at how to personally care for your own mental health and share some tips around it.

Do Things/Activities That You Love 

Do whatever makes you happy. This is a common saying. My friend likes to add “…as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.” So, whatever makes your heart dance or fills you with joy, do it. From something as simple as a two-minute dance to your favourite song to writing a small program that can do a specific task (trust me, I have friends who do this for fun. Whew!), ensure you set aside some time to do it at least once a day or once a week or every few times a month. This helps boost your energy and mood and leaves you feeling happy and alive.

Be Physically Active 

I have really tried my best not to say ‘work out because it gives the sweaty intense gym vibes. However, just a simple exercise will do. Do those 10 squats, those 50 rope skips, those 10-star jumps, those 15 jumping jacks, etc. Physical activity comes along with benefits such as raising self-esteem, lightening up your mood, and helping you set goals and achieve. So spend those 5-15 minutes and do those simple exercises, in the end, it goes a long way.

Be In The Present 

Mindfulness sounds like a significant term, but it really is just about knowing your surroundings. To do this, identify 5 things that you can see, hear, smell, feel, and touch. Focus on these things one by one as you draw your mind to your surroundings. You can also try taking deep breaths and calming your mind.

Get Professional Help 

I know that at the beginning of this blog I said it would be about how you can personally take care of your mental health. However, sometimes it can be overwhelming for us and we might need to seek professional help. I want you to know that there should be no shame whatsoever whenever it comes to seeking help. There is always someone willing to help as long as you ask. And it does get better. Sending love and light. 

If you have more tips to share, feel free to share them with us in the comment section. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this journey of promoting the betterment of your own mental health. You got this.

Sharonah ❤❤❤