Dear Millenial News reader, Monday is here with us again. It is the dawn of a new week, a new day, new dawn. I appeal to you to be intentional with your energy, decisions, thoughts and even vibrations.

As we start this new week, there is a lot of excitement and/or anxiety brewing in the air. But first I must commend Kenyans for the political maturity they have expressed. Maybe we can have a look at it later as we continue to tackle leadership. I am a thinker and as such, I process thoughts and information through questions. Is there hope yet with the new leadership? A new dawn is here with us. It has evoked mixed feelings; both negative and positive.

Tomorrow, the fifth president of the Republic of Kenya is to be sworn in. To many, this means that a new regime of ‘hustlers’ is in power and goodbye to the ‘dynasty’ regime. It was, Ruto said, a battle between ordinary “hustlers” struggling to put food on the table and the elite Kenyatta and Odinga “dynasties” that had dominated Kenyan politics for decades.

“We want everyone to feel the wealth of this country. Not just a few at the top,” Ruto had said as he crisscrossed the country promoting his “bottom-up” economic plan.

To others, it means a sense of hope as they anticipate for changes that come with it – mostly positive. To others, they remain neutral and they urge the hopeful lot to manage their expectations lest they become disappointed. Others remain unfazed by the new leadership with sentiments such as, “leaders don’t care about us but are just in it for themselves” – maybe this is the lot that just prays for peace. Then there is the lot that remains adamant that we should be ready for another dictatorship. 

With many plans underway for as seamless a transition of power as possible, Kenyans remember that beyond instruments and symbols being handed over, the ambitions of the people of Kenya are also getting a new custodian. This new power dispensation opens up much to consider.

As we prepare for the new leadership, what are you hoping that the incoming president will implement? Many have appealed for lowering food prices, fuel prices, reduction of corruption and money embezzlement just to name a few. 

It has been commonly highlighted on social media that William Ruto’s win means that working smart is better than working hard. While the two must go hand in hand, it is in working smart that you get to lay out strategies that can be a blueprint to putting in the work.

 “Ruto is seen by many people to be one of the most effective strategists in Kenyan politics,” Nic Cheeseman, a political scientist at the University of Birmingham in Britain. 

Agriculture has long been the backbone of Kenya’s economy. Because the president-elect prides himself on being a farmer, Kenyans are hopeful that with his leadership, the agricultural sector will be revived as it was his pledge to revive the agricultural sector.

Kenyans aspire to be served by an administration bound by its constitutional mandate to serve everyone equally, beyond words and promises. They desire a government that remains accessible to all, that keeps its people in the loop about its decisions, that rigorously engages with a media whose independence it protects, and one that stays in constant constructive conversation with its opposition. These characteristics would make this a regime of the people. As Dr Ruto takes the highest office in the land, Kenyans anticipate that he will remain guided by the same ideals that fuel them.

What does this new dawn mean to you as a millennial or gen z? To me, it means the political landscape of Kenya is changing and we need to hold our leaders accountable. Maybe there is still hope for Kenya with the new leadership.

Till the next time, bye and have a hopeful week!

Ruthie Kimani ❤❤❤