Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you had kept quiet instead of opening your mouth? If so, this post is for you. Today I’ll teach you the importance of “shutting it” and why moving in silence is the best thing you can do for yourself and your goals.

As millennials and gen z’s it’s easy to get carried away in the excitement of a new plan. You might be interviewing for your dream job, or about to move to your dream country to start a new life. When you have something great brewing, it’s hard to contain yourself and refrain from telling every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes your way. And ninety percent of the time, you’re not telling to brag but just to share the exciting news. But before you open your mouth to announce news before they happen, here are 4 reasons you should move in silence.

  1. People Won’t Always Support You.

That’s the bitter truth: people (your friends and family included) won’t always support you. And they might not outright put you down, but they could cause you to doubt yourself if they don’t believe that you can do it. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time to cultivate confidence to pursue your dream, only for others to make you doubt yourself and kill your vision?

That’s why you need to be careful who you share your dreams with. Before you open your mouth to tell everyone that you’re starting an online business, think twice and inform others once it’s already set in stone.

  1. People Might Take Your Idea and Make It Their Own

Some people might be better off than you and have the means to implement your idea faster than you can. When you tell them about your dream, they might take it and make it their own. I’ve heard of stories of friends who told others their creative and innovative business ideas only for the people they told to implement the idea before them. 

Let’s say you identified a market gap and rushed to tell a friend of your innovative idea. You  tell them you want to sell product A and even describe exactly how you’ll import it from Alibaba, open up an Instagram page and sell the product to millennials . A few weeks or months down the line, an emergency depletes your resources and you’re forced to wait out your plan. Then your friend pulls up with an Instagram page selling the exact same product that you wanted to but couldn’t. Be careful who you share your ideas, dreams and aspirations with.

  1. People Might Send Negative Energy Your Way

Telling everyone your vision before you take actions to make it happen, allows spiteful people to send negative energy your way. Just like how flowers can’t grow in the dark, it’s hard for your dreams to prosper if you’re surrounded by people who want you to fall.

This might happen especially if you have a big dream or goal. Some people you tell your vision to might spite you for dreaming big and send negative energy your way.

  1. You Might Fail

The last reason you should move in silence is that you might fail, which is perfectly fine since you’ll learn from your mistakes. But if you told everyone about your business before implementing it, it will be hard for you to get back up when everyone knows you’ve failed. 

It’s a bit like parading your significant other on social media and having strangers online inquire where they are when you two break up, making things twice as hard. Remember that it’s okay to fail but it will be easier to pick yourself up when there’s no audience commenting on your failed plan.

Final Thoughts

Be mindful of who you tell your moves to. Your colleague, barber/hairdresser, and primary-school friend don’t need to know your goals before you achieve them. It’s also important to have a few people you can share these goals with. From your inner circle, identify friends who can give you constructive criticism while encouraging you to pursue your dreams. Remember that real g’s always move in silence

Millie ♥️♥️♥️