Many of us feel like we are not reaching our goals or achieving what we set out to do. However, more often than not, it is self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is when certain patterns or behaviours prevent you from achieving your goals or doing what you would love to do. These include personal goals like adding or losing weight, career goals, relationships, etc. Today we’ll look at signs that you are self sabotaging, then next week we’ll look at why people self-sabotage and how to stop it. 

Signs that you are self-sabotaging:

  1. Constantly putting yourself down – you’re not proud of yourself for anything. You constantly think about things you did wrong and continuously focus on your mistakes. You always feel imperfect or not good enough. 
  2. Constantly doubting yourself – You don’t feel good enough or worthy of anything. This can even lead you to not applying to jobs that you are clearly qualified for simply because you doubt yourself. It also includes not reaching out to people because you feel like you have nothing important to say, or nothing worthy of contribution. You also stay quiet when people overstep your boundaries since you feel like people are just accommodating you but you’re not actually deserving. 
  1. Always see the negative things in your life – You always try to find something negative even in a situation where it doesn’t exist. You pull at all the pieces of thread, trying to find something wrong or bad. If something good or positive happens, you are surprised and highly suspect that something will go wrong. 
  2. Overcommitment – You always volunteer to take up tasks even when you already have a lot on your plate. Some people (like me), thrive on multitasking. But it is important to know when to set up boundaries. Overcommitment becomes self-sabotage since you’re open to constantly taking up more and more tasks and not speaking up for yourself. 
  3. Procrastination – Now, don’t get me wrong, we all procrastinate here and there and put off doing some work when we don’t really have the psyche or energy for it. But constantly doing this because you are doubting your capabilities is a sign that you are self-sabotaging. You don’t feel like you’re good enough, capable, or deserving of that task/work. 

We have seen that one of the signs involves trying to find the negative in every situation. This occurs when something great happens on the outside but it doesn’t match the inside, you now begin to self-sabotage to try and match the two. Most of us would like the great things on the outside to match our inside. Well, join us next week as we share tips on how to stop self-sabotage. 

Sharonah ❤❤❤