Good morning Millenial News Readers. Today we’ll talk about self-love and how you can cultivate it within yourself. Contrary to what many believe, self-love and confidence are not inborn. They are daily things that you need to cultivate, and what the world sees are the effects of your actions.  Here are four valuable tips you can use to cultivate self-love:

Surround Yourself With Positive People

They say misery loves company.  Sometimes Millennials and Gen Zs are pessimistic about everything. They start the day complaining about how bad the weather is, then they complain about breakfast, the news, and the transport system, and by the time you arrive at work with them, you’re setting off to have a shitty day. 

If you’re constantly around them, you’ll conform to them sooner rather than later.  Soon you’ll have negative thoughts about yourself too. Yes, the world is not perfect, but happiness is a choice. Choose to be in charge of your happiness and let no one take that from you.

Accept that You’re Not Perfect, and That’s Okay

There is so much pressure for Gen Zs and Millennials to be perfect in today’s society. Everyone expects you to have the perfect body, the perfect teeth, the perfect friendly personality and the perfect reactions to situations. 

Perfect people are not real, and real people are not perfect. It’s okay to be sad, to cry, not to have perfect skin, not to have everything figured out. Our imperfections don’t make us any less deserving of love.

Be True To Your Emotions

Society places on us this constant pressure of being strong and that showing emotion is related to weaknesses. Men and boys, in particular, have it rough. They are constantly told, ” real men don’t cry, suck it up!”

They grow up detached from their emotional sides, and in relationships, women complain that men can’t communicate their feelings. But this is how they were programmed right from birth. How do we expect them to change overnight? Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

Take a Chance On Yourself

There’s a famous quote I love. It goes, “ what if I fall? Oh my darling, what if you fly?”   Every single person has something they are passionate about. It may be singing, acting, dancing, drawing, teaching, athletics, playing an instrument or even writing.

Don’t wait around till you’re old and financially stable to pursue them. Start now, start today. Find that one thing that brings you immense joy and do it with all your heart and soul. If you can make a career out of it, even better. Doing something you love brings a sense of achievement and satisfaction that nothing else ever could.

Let me know your favourite tip in the comments. Until next Tuesday. Cheers!

Millie ❤❤❤