Do we vote and argue politics objectively or subjectively?

Dear Millennial News Reader, a new week is here with us. You might be wondering why I chose to share why I didn’t vote. Maybe, just maybe, I couldn’t also draw the line between facts and emotions during this election season.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “I come as one representing the thousands.” 

This election period has been one of laughter, anxiety, hoping, pushing boundaries and for some even believing in miracles. The race has been tight, a battle between two political giants which definitely translates to thousands of tweets and very long captions depicting who has won and why. Funny enough, at some point, it also became a battle between the yellows and blues.

While the majority is still loyal to choosing leaders from their own tribe, it was also clear that tribal boundaries were challenged with more people choosing leaders from the ‘other’ tribe. 

It is important to highlight that a big number of registered voters chose not to vote. I am one of the many. Before you reprimand me for not being patriotic and being ‘part of the problem’, could we first get to why I chose not to vote? 

There has been a meme circulating around talking about how our parents who’ve never voted for Hon. Raila are now on his side and pretending like they never were against his political bid before. What changed? Do we even listen to our leaders’ manifestos? How do we vet who we vote in? 

Let me introduce you to: “The battle between two evils”. It became common to hear that all these politicians are thieves and none is better than the other. Who then wins in the battle between two evils? The lesser evil? Some argued that they voted for the lesser of the two evils- the necessary evil. 

I had to engage a few people in conversations about why they didn’t vote. No no, I wasn’t looking for consolation as to my decision not to vote. I was just curious as to why people chose to rest on 9th August. Some didn’t register as voters and maybe even missed the window to register or chose not to. Of those who didn’t register, some say that even if they registered, they wouldn’t have voted. Some of those who refrained from voting are now living in the city but are registered upcountry and felt travelling was a bother. Some say they had to take care of their kids which is quite understandable. Some say they don’t participate in politics and completely refrain from any political associations. Others consciously chose not to vote.

There may be a long list as to why the voter turnout was low but for now, I’d like us to delve into the group that consciously made a decision not to vote. I am sure you’ve heard people say that they couldn’t participate in the game of choosing the ‘necessary evil’. Others say no presidential candidate tickled their fancy but once asked whom they’d have voted in, have no preference. Why do you think many chose not to vote? Does it mean they are not patriotic? 

If you voted, are you honest with yourself on why you voted for your preferred presidential candidate away from tribal attachments, emotions and just mere prejudices? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

I personally didn’t vote but at this point, I can admit my decision was made consciously. Not voting has been long frowned upon as we are urged to elect our leaders. I honestly couldn’t vote and admit I voted for any of the four presidential candidates objectively. I chose to refrain. I wished for an ideal candidate who’d really relate to the problems we are facing as a country, one who’d be a thought leader. I know, I know, in an ideal world, we would wish for many things but just this once, I felt it was better to take a back seat. Maybe I did so subjectively.

As millennials and gen zs, we have seen a great change in the representation of youth in leadership positions, whether they won or didn’t win, I believe that’s the first step into pushing boundaries and challenging systems.

Until we get the type of leadership we want, do we continue to vote or wait till then? I would like to discuss more this line. So join me next time for more on this.

Till the next read, bye and happy reading!

Ruthie Kimani ✌✌✌