One of the benefits of being Kenyan is getting to enjoy the sense of humour that fellow Kenyans seem to possess despite the situations at hand being very serious.

Yesterday we got a chance to look at some of the trending memes from the current election season and boy did we have a good laugh. 😂😂😂

Today, however, I would like us to look at the fashion looks that were brought out during this round’s elections. Unfortunately, the number of voters that turned up this time around was quite low so we did not have a lot to choose from. Regardless, when it comes to content, Kenyans will always deliver.

Here are some of the looks that stood out for us, or rather that got Kenyans talking;

1.       Sina Maoni Hoodie

This guy with the red hoodie got Kenyan’s attention following his response after a journalist asked him for his opinion on the elections. His innocent yet funny response suggested that he had nothing to say about the elections and has since then become a common response for Kenyans.

Kenyans have even gone ahead to create memes, graphics and logos of the red hoodie the man is wearing with the text “sina maoni” included. Without meaning to, this innocent voter may just have started a new fashion trend.

2.       The Man with the Towel

Now now, here it’s nothing but humour but oh well, fashion is fashion. This man attracted attention when he was spotted in a voting line with a brown towel wrapped around his waist and no trousers on. When asked to explain why he had a towel around his waist he expressed that he did not want to get delayed in voting so a towel suited him well at the moment. This look definitely stood out enough for us to write about it. Maybe next time you too will carry your towel.

3.       Uhuru Kenyatta

Well our almost former President, H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta was sure to exercise his voting right in his hometown in Gatundu area. With a cool navy-blue jacket and smiles from the crowd as he graced them with his presence, Uhuru looked good.

While this jacket may not be that outstanding, what draws our attention to it is the fact that his wife Margret Kenyatta, later on, was seen casting her vote while wearing a similar if not the same jacket. To Kenyans, this is proof that ladies indeed do love to take their men’s hoodies/jackets.😂😂😂

4.       Party Colours Fashion

We also spotted some locals dressed according to their preferred candidates’ political party colours as a means to showcase their loyalty. A good example is this man as we can clearly see.

5.       Presidential Candidates Look

Where will the pendulum rest? We are yet to find that out when it comes to our presidential candidates. Despite the current unease, one thing we are all sure about is that the 2 primary presidential candidates Raila and Ruto each cast their vote. And as they cast their vote they each dressed according to their personal preference. Ruto was seen in a sharp-looking suit, excited to make his debut as the incoming president, while Raila aka Baba stole the show with his Azimio-themed blue fedora hat with an R at the front centre and matching jacket. Truth be told Raila’s look was fire 💥💥💥 no cap!

That’s all we had today on our Fn’F segment. Remember Friday is for Fashion and peace looks fabulous on you Millenial Reader. Until next time.

Noanne ✌✌✌