In spite of the anxiety and tension that we are currently experiencing as a country, I thought I might break the ice with some little humour because that is what we Kenyans enjoy most. 

Here are some of the memes that have broken the internet so far in this election period.#kenyadecides

  1. Such a turn of events, that despite Martha coming from Kirinyaga, she got the least votes from there.
  1. Despite having come up “late” as some people claim, Wajackoyah seemed to have a large following, mostly comprised of the youth. We thought that he’d have a significant amount of the votes cast but to our surprise, he had very few votes. The youth supporting him weren’t even registered voters, just masses at his rallies.
  1. When you’re boiling milk and have to keep on looking at it so that it doesn’t pour, but the second you look away it somehow rises and spills making a big mess, so are the ongoing vote counts for Raila and Ruto. One minute they are in close ranges, and the second you look away, the margin has shot up significantly.
  1. Experienced this at a polling station where so many people did not vote for a specific seat. This option should be there and then be allowed to put in new candidates to vie.
  1. Our tourism CS, Najib Balala never changes, year in and year out. After serving for 12+ years, he seems to be the only certain thing in the current election. Let’s not add the fact that he never seems to age, or maybe he’s a vampire.πŸ˜‚
  1. At least now they won’t have to be castrated

The hyenas Wajackoyah wanted to castrate getting their payback after he loses the elections.

  1. Since IEBC and the media houses can’t decide on who’s president,  let’s help them.
  1. Kenyans have had enough with all the noise from the campaigns, we want to go back to our normal lives of being assisted to find love.
  1. Using the elections to try and redeem relationships.
  1. State House of Kenya is now up for new tenants.


The youth tricked this man, he’s getting only two votes at each polling station.

That’s all I had for today, feel free to share some of your hilarious memes with me and let’s have a good laugh as we await the results.

Sharonah ✌✌✌