Today marks a new dawn in our Kenyan history. It’s the day we vote for and welcome our 5th president. A president who will guide and govern our nation for the next 5 years. Think about it. Where will you be in five years?

Some of us millennials will be parents by then, welcoming our 1st or 2nd child. So let’s join hands today and choose a president who can make Kenya better not just for us, but also for our future children.

In this short article, I’ll walk you through how to approach the day as a mwananchi. 

  • Wake up early preferably between 4 and 5:00 am
  • Dress warmly, (avoid clothes with campaign branding and select clothes with deep pockets for storing valuables)
  • Have a heavy breakfast before you leave your house 🍛☕
  • Arrive at the polling station and calmly queue 
  • Don’t cut in line (say hi to the person in front of you 😊)
  • Stay alert and take care of your valuables such as your phone 📱 and your wallet
  • Once it’s your turn, cast your votes into the 6 ballot boxes
  • Vote for the President, Senator, MP, Governor, MCA and Women’s representative
  • After the polling clerk marks your finger to indicate you’ve voted, go back home 🚶🏽‍♂️🚶🏽‍♀️
  • Avoid any violence or negative talk including posting malice on social media
  • Respect the opinions of others, even if you don’t agree with them.
  • Peacefully wait for the results of the elections  📺

As we vote, let each of us promote peace, love and unity. Let’s meet again next Tuesday when we have a new president. Stay safe, vote wisely and most importantly, vote for peace. 




Millie ♡♡♡