Good morning Millenial News Readers. Today we’ll talk about how to surrender and trust that everything will work out in your favour. As a person who has struggled with anxiety, my biggest huddle was learning how to let go of control. 

For the longest time, I had a deep-seated need to plan every detail of my life. Meaning I would easily panic when something disrupted my plans or when things didn’t go how I expected them to. This was my story right until a few months ago.

Today I’ll share with you some lessons I’ve learned about trusting the Universe/ God (whichever you prefer) and letting go.

  1. Things won’t always work out and that’s okay

When you experience a job rejection or a setback, it’s hard for you to understand why you didn’t get the job you wanted or why your plans were disrupted. But in the future when you look back at that moment, it will make sense.

Think about any missed opportunity that made you feel like the world was ending and you’ll see that it led you to where you are today.

So when things don’t work out the way you want them to, let peace reign in your heart and believe that the Universe is sending you something better.

  1. Surrender 

To surrender means to let go of control. We are only human and there’s only so much that is in our power. You need to trust that there’s a higher being looking out for you and that each direction your life takes leads you closer to where you need to be.

  1.  Realize that Life is Not a Straight Path

One of the biggest lessons I’ve come to learn is that life is not a straight path.  And your path won’t look like your friend’s, sibling’s or partner’s, it will be unique to you.

There are many curveballs that have come and will come your way. But each of these unpredictable moments represents a piece of your life’s puzzle.

Although you don’t know how you’ll get from point A to Z, trust that you’ll find the way.

  1. Listen to Your Intuition

Often in life, our minds are crowded with other people’s opinions on what we need to do or become. Although their intentions may be right, you don’t need to follow their advice. Only you know what’s best for you and the path that you need to take. At the end of the day, you’re the one who will make the decision and live with the consequences.

So before you turn to anyone for advice, search for an answer within yourself. Quiet out the noise from the world and really listen. When you do this, your intuition will guide you to the decision that you need to take, which aligns with who you’re meant to be.

That’s it for today, let me know which lesson you relate to and practice in the comments.

Thanks for reading and see you again next week.

Millie  ❤❤❤