Good morning Millenial Readers,

It’s Friday, so as usual, it’s Fn’F (Food&Fashion), and today we focus on fashion. We can all attest to the fact that buying new clothes is exciting and sometimes we find ourselves impulse buying out of habit. But on the other hand, our impulsive shopping extremely takes a toll on our pockets even if we do not realize it immediately. Since our Monday pieces have dealt a lot with financial management, I thought it best to continue in the same spirit. Today I’m here to share tips on how to spend less but still look your best. What’s even more awesome is that you don’t have to break your bank to achieve this. Let’s get to it then.

1.       Know your style

The first step to take is knowing your style. Find what makes you comfortable and works well with your body type. These may mostly be found in the clothes that are your favourites but you don’t wear them often. With knowing your style, you can know what to buy without getting bored of it after some time. This will save you from wasting money on things you do not want.

2.       Eliminate impulse spending

Avoid! Avoid! Avoid! Impulse buying. I know it is not easy but with practice, you can achieve this. Only buy what you need and avoid the rest no matter how tempting it can be. Think of it as more money saved on your side.

3.       Choose quality

In buying clothing items, quality really matters over quantity. These items may be expensive but you should look at them as an investment because they are durable and still look good. This way you won’t have to buy the same item again for a long period.

4.       Unfollow and unsubscribe

For online shoppers, this is for you. Many pages have good clothes and if you are not careful, indulging in such might make you go bankrupt because you will never be satisfied. Remember the goal here is to buy what you need to control your expenses.

5.       Add an item to a to-buy list one week before purchasing

This is important because it helps you figure out if you really need a clothing item. This should be done a week before or more in advance to give you time to cross-check the list and to see if you really need what you wrote down.

6.       Shop with a list

Once you are done with the list you have created and are certain you want to buy them, go shopping with the list and strictly follow it.

7.       Create a budget

Creating a budget will help instil in you some discipline, period! You can do this monthly or even yearly. This way, you’ll find that you have saved more money than the other times. This is a really good way of managing your finances.

Now that we have these tips with us, I’m hoping that you’ll put them into practice. 

As I wind up, I’d like to challenge each and every one of you to wear those favourite outfits hiding in the closet for at least a week and don’t forget to give feedback on how it has impacted your life as I am positive it will.

That’s all for today. Have an amazing and stylish weekend ahead of you.
