Do you constantly feel like you have no time? Does your heartbeat increase and your breath quicken when you notice time moving, and all you want is for it to stop so that you can finish everything you want. If this is your story, you’re not alone.

Good morning Millenial News Readers; today, I’ll take you through the journey of healing your relationship with time. We’ll also discuss productivity and how to let go of the need to control time.

1. Understand That You Don’t Have To Be Constantly Productive

Our hustle culture teaches us that we are nothing until we produce something, that our worth is defined by how hard we work and how much money we earn instead of who we are. If you struggle to detach your self-worth from productivity, think of it this way; we celebrate the birth of a newborn baby even when it hasn’t accomplished anything because its life is valuable just as it is.

Now that we’re on the same page understand that it’s okay to take breaks without feeling guilty. We are not machines that can work 24/7. As humans, we need to slow down once in a while, or our bodies and immune systems will shut down.

So let go of the need to be busy constantly. It’s okay to listen to your body when it needs an hour’s nap. It’s okay to leave your desk and go for a 30 minutes walk to recharge. It’s okay not to work during the weekend. You’re not wasting time by taking breaks and caring for yourself. In fact, you’re adding more time to yourself since you’ll be increasing your longevity.

Remember that taking time for yourself is an investment and that you are valuable even if you’re not working, for the simple fact that you are a living being.

2. Understand that Progress is Better than Completion

In our fast-paced, hustle society, we praise each other for completing things as fast as possible. That’s why we see young adults who get jobs immediately after graduation as better than their peers.

That’s why owning a car by 30 is an achievement, but by 50, it isn’t. Building a house in your 30s and 40s is better than doing it in your 50s and 60s.

But let me ask, who makes these rules anyway? There’s literally no manual to life, no book that says do this at this age and what not. So, why are you stressing yourself so much if there are no clearly defined rules of life?

In a marathon, someone will reach the finish line first, but that doesn’t mean the rest haven’t run the same distance. So stop putting so much pressure on yourself to complete things. Instead of rushing through things and getting anxious when time flies, take your time and give it your best.

3. Let Go of the Need To Control Time

“Even if you’re not ready for the day, it can’t always be night.”

Time anxiety comes from the need to control time. To control how fast or how slow time moves. But the truth is time is a precious resource that is beyond our control. We just have to make the most of what is given to us.

When you stop trying to be in control and live each moment as it comes, you’ll be less anxious about time passing, and the years will unfold beautifully on their own. So be present today, even if you’re looking forward to tomorrow. Embrace each hour and focus your time and energy on the things that matter to you. All the best.