We all have had an instance where we dressed our best and it brought out parts of us that are not always there or maybe we didn’t know is in us. The reason I love fashion so much is that it is more than just covering your body. From finding job opportunities to potential suitors and friend circles it all begins with what you wear as it is the main thing that draws people to you even before you utter a word. From this, we can see that fashion is literally one of the pillars of life.

This week we have discussed a lot of ways for self-improvement and today we are going to continue by looking at how we can improve ourselves with what we wear. These tips are for everyone but mostly those who want to boost their confidence.

The theory of enclothed cognition illustrates how clothing impacts the human psychological process based on its meaning and the physical wearing of the attire. This explains how an outfit plays a huge role in what you feel and how you act. We all have one thing(s) that when we wear we feel invincible and if you don’t have, it’s never too late to discover.

To be able to find the confidence you need to take over the world through your outfit, you first need to find your personal style. With me, I have some tips that may be of help in finding your personal style

1.       Know your body type.

2.       Analyze your favourite wardrobe pieces.

3.       Take out pieces you don’t wear and either donate them or resell them.

4.       Seek inspiration and create a mood board. Pinterest is a good place to get inspiration.

5.       Create a wardrobe wish list.

6.       Find your colour palette.

7.       Try and identify your style in 3 words.

The goal here is to find pieces that make you comfortable and edgy according to what you are going for. The better you look, the more confidence you have regardless of your personality. Don’t be afraid to try new things as they may be just what you need for that confidence boost. Don’t forget to practice sustainability as you embark on your fashion journey. 

That’s it for today. Let me know in the comment below what fashion items make you feel confident. Have a lovely weekend.
