Hi Millenial Readers,

I am certain that the majority of us are experiencing the extreme cold and wondering why. Remember to keep warm regardless!  I have been asking myself a number of questions. Why does this weather feel different, and why is it becoming colder with each passing day? We can all agree that weather patterns have changed over time, a phenomenon known as climate change. Today, I want to talk about the issue and how it is affecting millions of lives.

Numerous nations throughout the globe are already witnessing severe weather patterns, such as a rise in the frequency of hurricanes in the United States and neighbouring nations, wildfires in Australia, and rising sea levels that cause flooding. These problems are a consequence of the phenomena known as global warming. Global warming, according to National Geographic, is the progressive increase in the average global temperature. This warming trend has existed for a very long time, but it has increased significantly during the past century due to the burning of fossil fuels. As the human population increased, so did the number of fossil fuels burned.

We have been burning fuels that have caused gasses such as carbon dioxide to surround our atmosphere preventing heat from being absorbed back into space, which has resulted in the warming of the atmosphere and the environment.  Our much-demanded vehicles and industries have been significant contributors. Thus, as the earth’s atmosphere gets hotter, it accumulates, retains, and drops more water. This alters the weather patterns, making rainy regions wetter and dry regions dryer. When temperatures are high, many natural catastrophes, such as storms, floods, heat waves, and droughts, worsen and occur more frequently. Thus, the situation is deteriorating daily.

In Kenya, we have seen increased drought in some regions especially, in the arid and the semi-arid regions. According to a study by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 3.5 million Kenyans are facing famine because of the escalating droughts over the years. In addition, rainfall levels in the arid and semi-arid regions of northern Kenya have decreased by between 26 and 50 percent compared to the predicted amount. Thus, agriculture in such areas has become a formidable obstacle, resulting in severe food scarcity.

The temperature in Nairobi is currently 140C and is expected to decrease further. Expect to purchase additional duvets and sweaters, or Google some clever jokes and lines to get yourself some free cuddles.

Nonetheless, as we ponder about the chilly weather, let us consider what is happening to our planet. Are conditions normal? What have we done incorrectly, and what can we do to rectify the situation?

Meet me next week as we discuss how we the millennials and gen zs are contributing to the changing weather patterns and suggest solutions to help mitigate this growing threat.

Fabian ✌✌✌