Have you ever wondered how your life would be if you relentlessly chased your goals for not one, not three but six straight months? What would your life look like? Would you be happier? Be in a better mental space?

Good morning Millenial News Readers. Today we’ll dive into personal development and talk about how to transform your life in just six months. I believe that this message is very timely since we have exactly six months to the end of the year.

Let me give you an example if you don’t believe six months could make a difference. Imagine if you didn’t shower or brush your teeth for six months. Yikes! You would be unrecognizable, right? That’s the power of just six months. Now that everyone is on board let’s begin.

Step one: Set Three Main Goals

You need to list only three goals because it’s easier to track them when they’re fewer. Plus, this way, you can dedicate adequate time to each goal instead of having like 6-7 goals and spreading yourself too thin. 

If you’re unsure where to start, great examples include:

  • Work/ finances goals
  • Intellectual goals
  • Body fitness goals.

Step two: Break Down Your Goals 

If your intellectual goal is to read six books in 6 months, break that down to a book a month. Then go ahead to set fortnight timelines where you know by the 15th of each month, you should be halfway through the book.

Finally, break it down to 30 minutes of reading a day. By using this technique,  the huge milestone doesn’t seem so big after all.

Let’s also break down the fitness goal. If your goal is to lose (x)kgs in six months, what does that look like each month? Take the number and divide by 6 to determine your monthly target weight loss.

Step three: Form Habits

A famous quote goes, “ It takes 21 days to build a habit, and 90 days to build a lifestyle.” Working out for 18 hours on one day won’t give you your dream body, but 30 minutes of exercise three times a week for six months can.

Afterwards, form habits that will help you achieve this goal, such as:

  • Ordering out less and eating home-cooked meals more.
  • Trying out green smoothies.
  • Deciding which workouts suit you best, e.g., lifting weights, dancing, skipping ropes, etc
  • Coming up with a meal plan that involves fewer carbs and more fruits and vegetables.

As you form habits, remember to be gentle with yourself. It’s not about pushing yourself too hard to the point of cracking but taking the necessary steps each day. Consistency builds resilience, and resilience transforms into success.  

Step four: Remain Accountable

As you embark on this journey, clearly state why you’re starting in the first place and keep yourself accountable. You could even bring along a like-minded friend or partner to keep you in check. Transformation takes time, and while the process may be a little uncertain at first, be patient. 

You will quickly start to see positive changes in your life, and soon you will be on your way to a new you. It is important to remember that this isn’t a quick fix, but something that will take some time and effort to see results.

Finally, remember that transformation is not only about making changes to your life but also about finding the courage to do something new. It takes courage to start moving in a new direction, and the rewards are more than worth it. Best of luck. 

Millie ❤❤❤