Like most Gen Zs, I used to believe that I  could only live a luxurious life, a.k.a soft life, when I had overflowing money in my bank. That was until earlier this year as I underwent a complete 360 degrees shift in mindset.

Good Morning Millenial News Readers. Today I’ll share five tips for living a high quality and luxurious life without breaking the bank. But let’s start with an important question.  

What Does a Luxurious Life “Soft Life” Entail?

Living a life of luxury doesn’t mean you’ll spend your days sipping a mimosa at the beach or dining at high-end restaurants. You can comfortably enjoy a luxurious life without leaving your home.

Luxury doesn’t equate to expensive, but it’s about prioritizing comfort and quality in your daily activities. Without further ado, here are the five tips.

  1. Get Rid of the Scarcity Mindset

Before you begin living a life of luxury, you need to get rid of limiting beliefs. These beliefs are rooted in us by society, and sometimes they stem from growing up in a poor background. Over time, your mind believes that you’ll never have enough, you’ll never pay your bills on time, and you’ll never enjoy the fine things in life.

Get rid of this mindset and adopt a more positive one. Instead of saying, “I’ll never afford that bag,” ask yourself, “How can I afford that bag?” Afterward, make a plan and take steps to make it happen. A positive mindset makes you more productive and you’ll work for and achieve the goal you have in mind.

Your thoughts create your reality.

  1. Start Small.

A great way to do this is to add luxury to your everyday activities. Add something as simple as plain water to a glass and enrich it with strawberries and lemons.

Other great ways include:

  • Sleep in silk bed sheets
  • Light your home with scented candles 
  • Swap out baggy sweatpants for a cute loungewear set
  • Invest in skincare products based on your skin’s needs.
  1. Spend Money From a Place of Abundance

It’s no secret that we have bills to pay. This includes rent, food, and transport, and some of us have kids who depend on us. 

Before you are two options:

  • Pay the bills from a place of fear (worrying about depleting the resources, scarcity mindset) 
  • Pay the bills from a place of abundance (being grateful that you have the resources to pay the bills.)

Either way, the amount you’ll be spending is the same. It all boils down to your mindset. Once you train your mind to view money positively and from a place of abundance, you’ll stop self-sabotaging, learn to be grateful for what you have, and attract abundance to your life. 

  1. Give Yourself the Best You Can Afford

What you can afford might not be what your friends can, and that’s completely fine. Before buying anything, be honest with yourself about how much you’re comfortable spending. 

If you can afford to dine out at least once a month, then do it. If you can visit a different country a year, then go ahead. Don’t deny yourself these little pleasures, and give yourself the best that you can afford. 

However, don’t make the mistake of digging into your savings unless you intentionally saved up for it.  On days when you can’t afford to dine out, prepare a nice home-cooked meal, light some candles, and enjoy your food.

  1. Add Luxury Elements to Your Home.

These include flowers, paintings, soft pillows, rags, and many more. It’s about finding small beautiful things that add a personal touch to your home while making you happy. 

If you can’t afford to get flowers every week, buy some nice artificial ones. Alternatively, buy the real ones whenever you have some spare change; this could be every fortnight or once a month.

Embrace a Life of Luxury and Abundance

Our society praises hustle culture and strugglings and sometimes views people living a luxurious life as ‘lazy.” But this is far from the truth. You can work just as hard and want a soft life for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with wanting more and giving yourself more.

As Bien says, “Usiogope kukula jasho yako.” 

Let me know which tip you liked the most, and feel free to share any other you have.

Millie ♥️♥️♥️