Did you know that people in unhappy relationships are more likely to die by suicide than single people or those in happy relationships? 

A CDC National Violent Death report revealed that 42% of suicide cases stem from relationship problems. The report also highlighted that men were more likely to end their life after a breakup than women.

Our society has raised boys to believe that a man can’t cry or show his true feelings.  Eddy Kimani says, “There are men who would rather go for a prostate check than see a psychiatrist or a counsellor.”

But what happens when the bottled pain and emotions spill out? The overflow becomes too much to handle. Some choose to end the pain by killing themselves.

Good morning Millenial News Readers. Today we’ll bridge the gap between unhealthy relationships and suicide. Let’s begin.

How Unhealthy Relationships May Lead To Suicide

Unhealthy relationships are characterised by:

  • Infidelity and dishonesty.
  • Codependence is where your happiness depends on your partner.
  • Manipulation and belittling.
  • Physical and emotional abuse.
  • Intimidation and threats.
  • One partner controls the other.
  • If you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

It’s hard to find a case where a person in an unhealthy relationship woke up and decided to end their life out of the blue. There’s a pattern that’s followed where one thing escalates to another. The toxic pattern goes Unhealthy relationships → Depression →Suicidal Thoughts→ Suicide Attempts.

The harsh truth about toxic and unhealthy relationships is that the victim has to leave on their own. No amount of advice from friends and family will make them leave their abuser. It’s until they decide to walk out on their own two feet. 

If you have a loved one who’s in a toxic relationship, check up on them from time to time.  And if you’re hanging onto an unhealthy relationship, it’s time to let it go. I firmly believe that love even with its challenges shouldn’t be so complicated, but there should be room for it to flow like a gentle wave. 

The relationship might then keep chipping away at your self-esteem and self-worth, leading you to the next stage: Depression.

So hold on to happiness. Your life depends on it.

Is It Possible To Be Suicidal Even in Healthy Relationships?

Other factors such as financial burdens and work depression contribute to suicide even in individuals who are in a happy relationship. Most of the time, the victim hides their true feelings to avoid rocking the boat of their relationship. Your partner might be suicidal without you even knowing; keep an eye out for these signs.

Signs That Your Partner is Suicidal

  • Self-harm scars on their body.
  • They talk about feeling empty and hopeless.
  • Withdrawal from their friends, families, and even you.
  • They’re giving away their possessions. 
  • They complain of unbearable pain.
  • High interest in death and talks about wanting to end things.

How To Help a Suicidal Partner

If you’re in a relationship with a suicidal partner, here’s how you can help your person:

  • Understand that their suicidal thoughts don’t mean they don’t love you or want to abandon you.
  • Don’t criticise but let them know they’re not alone.
  • Create a safe space for your partner to express their thoughts openly. 
  • Listen to understand, not to react.
  • Reassure them that their feelings are valid.
  • Encourage your partner to seek professional help.
  • Have check-in conversations at least once a week. This way, you’ll know where they are mentally and how you can help.

Being in a romantic relationship with a suicidal partner can take a mental and emotional toll on you. Remember to focus on yourself and avoid getting sucked into their black hole with them. If this happens, neither can pull the other out. As they say, a blind man cannot lead another blind man, one must be able to see. 

For you to maintain your true self even in a relationship with a suicidal person, be sure to engage in activities outside your partner that bring you joy and happiness and seek help and support for yourself. Once you are stronger and get back to them, you’ll be able to administer all the help that they may need. You don’t have to do it alone. 

That’s it for today. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Cheers!

Millie ✌✌✌


