
When you have a cut or graze yourself when running or something of the sort, you immediately seek first aid or depending on how severe the accident is, you may end up going to hospital to get treatment. However, can you boldly say you do the same thing whenever you are hurt mentally? Why is that so? The truth of the matter is that we tend to ignore our mental health and in turn we end up with irrevocable situations such as death. 

In this last week of our mental health awareness I would like us to look at suicide. One of the most prevalent mental health related conditions amongst millennials and gen Zs. Let’s dive in.

What Is Suicide?

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. 

A suicide attempt is when someone harms themselves with any intent to end their life, but they do not die as a result of their actions.

Suicide is a leading cause of death. Statistics say there’s about one death every 11 minutes while the number of people who think about or attempt suicide is even higher. Suicide is among the top 9 leading causes of death for people ages 10-64 and is said to be the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-14 and 25-34. Now you see why as a millennial, gen z or even gen alpha, you cannot afford to shy away from this conversation.

Factors That Lead To Suicide and Suicide Attempts

Well I did not mean to scare you with the facts above about suicide, but I really want you to have  an in-depth understanding of how grave this topic really is. 

Imagine that mother that came home to find her 14-year-old son overdosed and dead, or that 21-year-old third year university student that died by suicide after her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. Maybe it’s an 18-year-old introvert that was being bullied by their peers and opted to take their life instead, or even a intern, at the start of her career but her boss keeps sexually abusing in the name of an “opportunity to build career.” Perhaps it’s something from your past even, you got sexually abused in Grade 7 by a relative, your favorite uncle sodomized and you’ve never told anyone and somehow death seems to be the only solution. I’m thinking it could even be a violent relationship that you simply can’t stand anymore and suicide seems like a better deal compared to your present state.

All these plus more are factors that could lead an individual to die by suicide. There’s no specific cause for suicide as each case is different, because individuals are different, but the one thing that they all have in common is the pain that they leave behind and force their loved ones to endure. Death is never easy, but death by suicide is the worst of them all.

Suicide and suicide attempts cause serious emotional, physical, and economic impacts. People who attempt suicide and survive may experience serious injuries that can have long-term effects on their health. They may also experience depression and other mental health concerns. The good news is that more than 90% of people who attempt suicide and survive never go on to die by suicide. And that is what I’m seeking to achieve with this post, that no millennial, gen z or gen alpha has to die by suicide anymore.

Some Suicide Prevention Strategies

Suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play to save lives and create healthy and strong individuals, families, and communities. 

Suicide prevention requires a comprehensive public health approach. Below I have attached a CDC recommended approach in curbing suicide cases. (Full document also available in pdf).

There’s always more to say about this topic and unfortunately we can’t cover all that in one post. Join us for the remainder of the week as we dig deeper on this topic. Also if you are struggling with suicidal thoughts feel free to reach out to The Millenial News through any of our Social platforms and we will be sure to get you the help you need. 

Noanne ❤❤❤


