If you are a Kenyan, then the past week has been nothing short of adventurous for you. From failed political party nominations, to lack of fuel in the  country, to a crazy rise in commodities’ prices, and finally to threats of phone sim card deactivations. Let’s just say it’s been quite a week!

Kenyans being Kenyans however, they resorted to the 2 best ways that they know in order to make their grievances heard. And that is, Twitter trends and memes. Ain’t nothing like humor to keep you going in a time of trouble and Kenyans are masters in this. You can call them “memelords.”

Safaricom Kenya’s biggest telecommunications company threatened to deactivate sim cards for those users who have not re-registered their sim cards. Kenyans then took to Twitter and other social platforms to complain about this. Asking why one needs to re-register their sim cards yet they had already registered while buying? To top it all up the deadline given for re-registration was somehow on short notice and the company did not provide convenient ways of doing the re-registration other than the traditional visiting of Safaricom shops to update. 

This did not sit well with most Kenyans and today let us enjoy some memes that graced our streets on the same matter.

Feel free to share with us as well some of the Safaricom memes that made your day.

Sharonah ❤❤❤