Bree had always been different but her dad didn’t notice till she was three.  She didn’t leap around when they brought her candy. Cartoons didn’t excite her and she couldn’t care less about the coolest toys. 

She would sit really still in a corner and stare at the wall for hours. Simon, her single dad, had spent sleepless nights wondering what was wrong with his daughter. 

He had her tested for autism but the results showed that she was fine. He couldn’t help but feel like it was the lack of a feminine figure in her life. 

But her mom was long gone and he didn’t have the courage to test the waters once more.

He had tried everything, from forcing her to play with the neighbors’ kids to taking her to daycare. But nothing changed, she would sit on her own and stare into the nearest wall.

Simon confided in his best friend Paul and he, in turn, promised to help him. All Bree needed was the perfect gift.

“Something made just for her,” Paul reassured, he had done the same for her daughter, Anna a few years ago.

With Bree’s birthday coming up in a week, Simon was determined to deliver the gift to her, no matter the cost.

So he woke up early the following morning and made the half-hour drive to Paul’s. As he walked to the doorstep, he could hear the muffled sounds of Anna’’s laughter.

Jealousy glowed in his eyes. He couldn’t remember the last time he heard Bree laugh like that, let alone smile. But today, everything would be different. He would finally make her happy.

After a warm welcome of tea and biscuits, the two men got straight to business. Paul stood and casually asked Simon to follow him. He obliged and walked behind him.

After a few corners, Paul took out a bunch of keys and opened a room. It was done in pastel pink and blue hues. Anna’s room, Simon instantly guessed.

Simon hadn’t seen the dollhouse until Paul pointed it out. It was double the size of the ones he had seen in the malls. 

Beside it lay a barbie doll unlike any he had seen before. Instead of pink, the doll was dressed in black. But that wasn’t it. Something about the doll felt familiar but he couldn’t understand why.

“This is it, Simon,” Paul began, boring his eyes into his friends.

“This is what the kids love. Anna plays with it every time and I’ve never seen her happier.” He added, puffing his chest.

“It’s a bit costly, but I know a guy who can get it to you for half price. Here,” He added, reaching into his pockets.

“Meet him at this address at midnight. It’s the last one he has so don’t fail to show up. Just give him the money and he’ll give you Barbie and the dollhouse.”

Simon unfolded the scrambled paper, revealing a hastily written phone number and address.” 

“Oh and Simon, he’ll be expecting you.”

To be continued…

Millie ❤❤❤