Hi Jake, it’s me again.

I know I said I won’t come back so soon

But I couldn’t help it.

I left the house today to get some groceries

Sally needed some food too

But I ended up here.

Maybe it’s because you were my home

You still are…

I got your favorite daisies

Remember how you always brought them home?

You’d say they were for me but we both knew you liked them as much.

I miss you Jake

Sally misses you too.

Can I tell you something?

Ever since the day you…uum…went to heaven.

She’s been sitting at the door at 6pm

Wagging her tail and waiting for you.

And you know what,

I do it too.

I’d imagine you walking in

And you’d take me in your arms once more.

You’d say that you were on a long journey,

But you were finally home.

I know it’s silly

But God, I wish it were true.

I can’t keep doing this Jake

I have to move on.

At least that’s what everyone says.

But the truth is,

I don’t know how to go on without you…

I have to go

Sally’s waiting…

I love you Jake

I always will
