Growing up, I was taught to believe that a girl’s beauty lies in her hair. My mom would take me to the salon every two weeks to get my hair done. I won’t lie, I hated it. Why did I have to endure hours of pain all in the name of beauty? 

I would envy the boys in my class who took only 10 minutes to get shaved. It didn’t help that they said it was a painless process.

As we got older, some of my male friends began growing out their hair. At first, it was an odd sight since I had gotten used to their bald heads

 Some of their parents strongly disapproved but we were at the age when we couldn’t care less.

Fast forward to 2022, many Millennial and Gen Z men have embraced long hair. The older generation still views this as a sign of rebellion and unprofessionalism but it’s 2022. The Millennials and Gen Zs call the shots now and are the ones shaping and running the business industry. That’s why you’ll see companies loosening up and accepting men with long hair and cleaned-up beards.

This means that you don’t have to sacrifice your hair for a job. At The Millenial News, we make sure that you get the best of both. Here are  5 ways you can look professional while rocking long hair.

Wash Your Hair Regularly.

Washing your hair every day may be a time-consuming hustle especially if you have to get to the office. Walking out with wet hair will mess up your outfit and make you look tacky. Instead, make time to wash it at least twice a week.

 It can be on days when you have a slow morning or even a relaxing evening. During these days, thoroughly wash your hair as you massage your scalp. This increases the blood flow and over time, it makes your hair grow healthier.

Invest in Haircare Products.

Unless you are genetically blessed, having jet black luscious hair takes more than soap and water. But don’t worry, there are hair care products that will help you out. 

Swap out soap for hair shampoo. More products include oils such as coconut oil, castor oil, tea tree oil. If you’re on a tight budget, you can start with shampoo, conditioner, and an oil of your choice. These products give your hair an extra shine that makes heads turn when you walk into the office.

Don’t Neglect Your Beard.

In your quest for amazing-looking hair, don’t forget to take care of your beard. Frequently visit your barber to trim and shape your beard. When these two are in synch, you’ll have an all-around neat appearance. 

As a bonus, the combination enhances your sexual appeal. Everyone knows that a man who takes care of himself is 10x more attractive.

Tie Your Hair During Work Hours

Tieing your hair keeps it away from your face hence your hair doesn’t distract or prevent you from carrying out your activities. A great alternative is cornrowing and plaiting lines. 

Don’t Shy Off From the Salon.

A male friend once told me that he wouldn’t be caught dead in a salon. He felt like it would undermine his masculinity and if his homeboys found out, they’d never stop teasing him about it.

I don’t agree with this though. Going to the salon doesn’t make a man feminine, he’s just taking care of himself, as he should. If it’s the first time, you might feel nervous but you don’t have to. 

Trust me, no one will judge you and you’ll be warmly welcomed in the salon. After the first time, you’ll be a regular. You could also sneak in a manicure since you’re already there.

Final Thoughts

That’s all for today. Let me know your favorite tip in the comments below. Cheers!

Kinarah ❤❤❤