Hello and welcome back to The Millenial News! I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday and that you were able to put into practice the tips I shared on how to care for your mental health during the festive period. We’re excited to have you with us for the new year. We understand that while it may be an exciting new beginning for some people, it is not the same for many others. Many people suffer from holiday depression and can sometimes peak around the New Year’s period. It doesn’t have to be a stressful, unhappy, or lonely start to the new year. With a few tips that I’ll share, the holiday may be transformed into a happy experience and further to a new year that promotes mental wellness.

  1. Reflect on your achievements but don’t compare them to others’ – Whether or not you had a successful previous year, reflecting back isn’t always so easy but is necessary. If done correctly, reflection may be advantageous. Don’t compare yourself to others, concentrate on yourself, your accomplishments, places for development, and the person you want to be. Make a list of everything you’ve achieved, no matter how insignificant. Even if you’ve not achieved everything you wanted to achieve that year, don’t overlook the steps and progress you made. Celebrate these, celebrate yourself, you are going to do better this year. After all, isn’t success about moving forward and making progress no matter how ‘small’?
  2. Put yourself out there – After all the partying and celebrations that come with Christmas, the new year might feel like a time to go back to your cocoon and just stay indoors. Staying inside and even isolating oneself, on the other hand, might be detrimental to your mental health. Therefore, it is important to intentionally put yourself out there. You may join an organization or club dedicated to your passion and hobbies, or to something that interests you. Not only will you be able to go out of the home and combat the dreaded ‘January Blues,’ but you may also make new friends, gain confidence, and discover a positive pastime that you can engage in all year, all of which will benefit your mental health.
  3. Create some me-time for some self-care – Make an effort to schedule some me-time as often as possible. Even simple activities that you like, such as taking a long bath or shower, listening to music, watching your favorite show, reading a book, can help you recharge and enhance your mood.
  4. Seek help – Finally, if it’s all too overwhelming; if the weight of the new year and its expectations is too great to bear, seek help. It’s critical to recognize that if you’re having trouble with your mental health, professional help is accessible. Some hotlines are shared below: *FREE Online or phone counseling in Kenya*
  • 1190 HIV/AIDS support line
  • 1192 NACADA addiction cases
  • 116 CHILD protection services
  • 1195 Sexual and gender violence helpline 
  • 1199 Red cross 
  • 999/112 police hotline
  • Kenyatta National Hospital Suicide Hotline +254-20-300-0378
  • Befrienders Suicide Hotline +254-72-217-8177

Allow yourself to let go of expectations, enjoy this new year however you choose, and focus on yourself rather than what others want you to do, and you’ll be able to navigate from the Christmas season and into the new year with ease.

SharonahKen ❤❤❤