See if you are from the millennial era, and if you happened to be living through this Covid period then you have probably had more of this phrase than any other time in your life. “Workout” has now become a common household phrase because something about this generation we are living in demands it. Even more than the previous generations. But just because people are talking about it does not mean they really understand its value and today I thought I might help with that.

What is a “workout”?

The Cambridge dictionary, a personal favorite of mine, by the way, describes workouts as doing exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body. So yes, workouts involve a lot of physical exercises and have a lot to do with your health and lifestyle. Again, something about this generation we are living in, our current lifestyle, our current health concerns, demands that we do workouts.

Why then is it underrated?

This is why I think working out is underrated among millennials and gen zs, you may agree or disagree but I have genuinely observed this and I think it is true.

For an age with access to so much information, it is just funny that this is the same generation that does not want or see a need to apply this information into reality. The majority of millennials and gen zs, including our dear readers at The Millenial News, know so much about exercising and working out, but a handful of them actually commit to it. In fact, statistics say that out of 100% of the people that register for a gym membership in this generation, 60% never attend. And I’m guessing that out of the 40% remaining most of them don’t exercise because they understand its value, but maybe because they are forced into it by a lifestyle disease or something. Again not all but the majority.

The other reason I think workouts are underrated in this generation is that most people are so caught up in social media and doing things for the sake of “the gram” that they really don’t think much of the present reality. I have witnessed so many of the people I know get into a workout routine just so they can take photos at the gym and post them on their socials. #bodygoals #workouts #justgymit etc. Pretty sad right?

Finally, my third reason why workouts are underrated in this generation is because of this generation. Here’s what I mean; one of the most dominant characteristics of millennials and gen zs is that “we don’t like to put in the work yet we are impatient with results.” You have probably heard about this in several ways; you’re impatient, you’re lazy, microwave generation, you want to have your cake and eat it. I mean so many things have been said but just to be fair, there’s some truth in the above phrases. But what I am saying here is that the above does not have to define us. We can rise above such comments. 

In my quest to address this and encourage you to workout, I will be talking about the actual benefits of working out for millennials and gen zs, probably echoing it more for those at the back. Feel free to comment on this down below.

Noanne ❤❤❤