When I was in class 6, I once had a strong desire to become a Member of Parliament. I loved the debates they had; I loved the power that being a Member of Parliament came with – making laws, amending laws, who wouldn’t want to be part of that process?

My English teacher was my biggest cheerleader in this dream of mine. In class 7,  I was privileged to visit the new parliament. I would have loved it if we went there when the sessions were ongoing – scratch that, I was happy to be there, it felt like I was on the right path to achieving my dreams and slowly I was getting closer to it.

Transitioning into secondary education I wanted to become; a Politician,a Doctor,  a Graphic designer even a Deejay. Being a Writer was never on my list. Nevertheless, I still used to write though the challenge was that I was part of a system that didn’t elevate my creative side, but ooh well haven’t we all been there? We can only blame the system up to a certain point: because look at me now ? “A Social and Political Writer” – fate found its way.

Do I still want to become a politician? Yes – No –Maybe – I do not know! Do I really want to have all the power but still curb my thinking? Have an ability to make real changes but still limit my strength?  If I became a politician will I become the best liar, a creative manipulator or will I graduate with a degree in deceit?

Dear Politician: Why can’t you change the narrative? Why can’t you hold all the power and still do goodwill?  Why can’t this time around not be about you but about the people you swore to serve? Qualities of being a politician in Kenya is selling their soul to the devil. Simply because in Kenya;

  • They steal money that should educate the needy in society.
  • They kill the same people who elected them.
  • They are the most protected people but not during campaigns. Does it mean that after they get the positions they become targets?
  • They are always in a hurry while on the roads having sirens on their vehicles. Why is it that before elections they are available but when they get those positions they become strangers to their offices and the question is who are they busy serving if not the people who elected them?
  • Every other social issue; security, education, religion has been politicized. Which is very unfortunate because it clouds our judgment. 
  • Man-eat-man society, they are either naive or hungry for power to realize this world doesn’t revolve around them. 

Being a youth in Kenya is an opportunity for the government of Kenya to ride on. They only think about you during elections but after that you being a youth in Kenya is the beginning of your oppression.

The government says that the courts have decided for Kenyans to remain oppressed when they decided to reject the BBI. If you are a smart Kenyan youth ask yourself; Does the government need the BBI to pass the law on HELB?  Does the government require the change in constitution to enable youths acquire loans? I do not know about you, but for me I believe the Kenyan government is a swindle.

I want to talk about how unemployment is a major issue in kenya, but let us have a millennial reader ask the question.

Has the government not done anything right? 

My answer is no, they have. Truth be told, as much as they have done a lot, there still is inefficient outcome in the actions they have undertaken. I accept I might want to put all the blame on the government but it is only right I acknowledge that there are things that have wowed me: that said the government has failed us in 3ways;

  • The government of Kenya has failed to deliver vital services. 
  • Have they provided services like; infrastructure, health care, education etc? My answer is yes, of course, they have but their delivery is often poorly and expensively executed.
  • Are the government officials’ good service people? I leave this up here for you to answer. From where I seat, government officials are handed more power with less accountability.

Long live the government! Long live future failures! Long live history! You may fail to agree with me, however in my opinion I am not here to change your ideology but I am here to awaken the Government. You have failed to prepare the future generation, as you were never coached yourselves; most of you are a success of endorsements. Do I still want to be a Politician? I am afraid of becoming them! I am afraid of carrying the cross of lies! I am afraid of breaking promises! Therefore, if I ever sit on that seat I hope I will do more than just build a boda boda shed 6months to an election.

MaryMwas ✌✌✌