Last week’s topic was addressed to our religious institutions (The Church) and we had a very interesting discussion. Thank you once again dear readers for always making a point of being part of our conversations. We hope that together we can make a difference in society through this platform for the sake of our millennial generation, and the generations to come.

I have so many concerns with our government systems today, seeing as we Africans already have a reputation when it comes to all things leadership and administration. We have been the center of international conversations about poor leadership, mismanagement of funds, dictatorship, nepotism, corruption just to name but a few. And as you can imagine, if this impact is felt at an international level, then how much more suffering are the people in these individual African countries going through? How much more suffering are the millennials of these countries going through? Those are our questions today.

As indicated above, our main focus for the whole of this week is to highlight some of the issues that we as the millennials and gen zs have been going through and are still going through in this beloved continent of ours. Our questions however are specifically targeted to the Kenyan Government (GOK) and hopefully, through this conversation our pleas will finally be regarded by our dear country leaders.

I don’t know about you, but one thing that really stands out for me when I think about our government is oppression. I despise that word and every time I have to use it in a sentence I know things must be really bad and so today I choose to question the oppression that millennials are subjected to by the Kenyan government.

Just to define it – Oppression [is] the social act of placing severe restrictions on an individual group, or institution. Typically, a government or political organization in power places restrictions formally or covertly on oppressed groups so they may be exploited and less able to compete with other social groups.

Sometimes it even feels like the government intentionally hates young people and is working day and night to destroy them.

Examples of these oppressions

  1. Why are there few to no job opportunities for millennials in Kenya?
  2. Why do young people in Kenya encounter merciless Police brutality?
  3. Why are they even judged because of their age? (Ageism is real in Kenya)
  4. Why are politicians constantly exploiting the youth without any repercussions ?
  5. Why is it so hard for a young person to get justice in our court systems ? Aren’t there laws that favour us too?

Noanne ❤❤❤