Good Morning Millenial Readers, as usual, here at The Millenial News we are glad to have you join in and enjoy our reads. Today I thought I would start your week off with some emoji knowledge, I mean show me someone who’s never used an emoji before and I’ll show you the rock they’ve been living under. Even our Grandpas and Grandmas have adapted to it, let alone the Boomers too. Emojis may be a Millennial and Gen Z invention but they have definitely been accepted by every generation. In fact, statistics say that currently, about a billion emojis are sent worldwide.

First things first, let me just point out that emojis are categorized differently and I would like to list out some of the categories;

  1. Positive faces like the Smiley face.
  2. Negative faces like the angry face.
  3. Neutral faces
  4. Sick faces
  5. Roles
  6. Fantasy faces
  7. Monkey faces
  8. Cat faces
  9. Person
  10. Person Roles
  11. Fictional Characters
  12. Gestures
  13. Activities 
  14. Sportsman
  15. Family

Just to name but a few. The more I researched on this, the more I realized how much work has been put into this whole emoji business. Emojis have even been extended to even feature the LGBTQ community, which is something that was not there before. This made me want to know who actually invented emojis and why – in the late 1990s, a Japanese artist named Shigetaka Kurita created the first emoji. He was working for a mobile communications company called NTT Docomo. They were developing a new internet platform. Since it allowed for a limited number of characters, Kurita came up with the idea to replace words with pictures. I bet you had no idea about that huh?

  1. The smile

Apparently, the smile emoji in today’s digital age is actually meant to depict how millennials fake smile even when they are having a bad day. So when you send a smiling emoji, chances are you are just faking it.

  1. The Eggplant

Well by now we all know that the eggplant emoji is not just a vegetable. Leave it to Millennials and Gen Zs to turn everything into a sex conversation. For clarity purposes, just in case there’s that 1% that did not know, the eggplant depicts the male genitalia and is often used in a provocative manner.

  1. The Peach

The Peach and the Eggplant belong to the same WhatsApp group. Usually used in sexting by Millennials and it depicts the backside or butt again for 1% that didn’t know.

  1. Three Droplets of water

And here I thought these are beautiful raindrops. Shock!!! Well, these actually are used to represent thirst, sexual thirst, or “wetness” to be precise. Aren’t we living in interesting times?

  1. The Black Moon

Jeez, this I honestly never thought would make it on the suggestive list but apparently, it is. It is mostly associated with emphasizing sexual suggestions.

  1. The tongue and The eyes

I really don’t see a need to get into details about these two, but again I feel obligated to my 1% just in case you were using these emojis without proper knowledge of them. The tongue implies foreplay in sex (most used emoji apparently) and the eyes mean pervy or lustful eyes. Now you know! 

Normally we caution people to be careful of the words they use, but now it looks like we have to caution people to be careful of the emojis that they use. #MillennialProblems weeeeh!!

Anyway, we are thankful for Kurita, and his invention. And even more so we are grateful for the advancement of technology because honestly, I feel like emojis really help us out when it comes to expressing ourselves, especially when you are not good with words. Let me know if you agree with me, and what your favorite emoji is in the comment section below.

Noanne ❤❤❤