Today I would like us to talk about how to keep on going even when things get tough. It’s notably within a man’s nature to find means of survival, but it’s also within a man’s nature to give up in times of trouble and persistent tribulation. Very few really rise from those challenges and those are the few that we talk about. The ones we call outliers, the ones that make history and give us writers something to write about. I want us today to learn their ways and practice their habits, so that maybe just for today, you too will be able to rise from your affliction and write your own history.

In times of trouble;

1. You need a good thing to hold on to

If you can’t find something good in your life to focus on, try to think of all the things you have that you take for granted. Things like food in your fridge and a roof over your head or even the fact that you can read this. Focus on what you have now and you will draw more good things to you. I call it my happy space or million little miracles- this is where I go to remember the good things that I have in this life.

2. Allow yourself to feel every bit of the pain

Don’t hold it in because you want to appear strong, or you are a man or whatever reason you have.  Vent, talk to your friends, cry, yell and scream if you must but don’t suppress the pain because it can grow and it can get worse. The sooner you let it all out, the better mindset you’ll have in dealing with your hardships.

3. Digest the pain in pieces

Don’t swallow it. If you think about how terrible the situation is or how serious it is, you’ll overwhelm yourself and feel paralyzed. Instead, take it one step at a time; think of where you can start, which direction you will go and what is it that you can actually control in this situation, and what you can leave up to fate.

4. Try to see the glass is half full

Even though it’s the hardest thing to do when you’re struggling, sometimes it’s exactly what you need and sometimes it’s the truth. Losing your job could lead to a better job, ending a relationship can lead to a better relationship, losing someone can pave the way for deep self-reflection and make you a better person. There is always a rainbow after the storm, a light at the end of the tunnel, and you would do best to remember that.

5. Don’t forget about yourself

It’s normal when you’re panicking to ignore your health and well-being, if you are anything like me, then during these moments you and food become total enemies. But one of the best ways to keep going through tough times is to keep taking care of yourself. Don’t change your workout routine, don’t drink excessively, or do anything you normally wouldn’t do because it will only get in the way of helping yourself and helping others.

6. Remember that tough times build character

The moments that change you and the times that make you stronger are usually not the happy or easy ones. It’s only during hard or hopeless times that you get to know yourself better and discover your own strength and resilience. It’s these times that truly shape your character and make you grow.

7. Avoid people who stress you out

We all have people who calm us down and people who stress us out. Avoid people who add to your stress and spend time with those who make you feel at ease, those who can comfort you, and those who can just sit with you in silence because they will make all the difference. Let me just put this out there, the most important people in your life are usually the ones that stress you out the most. I’m talking about your family, significant others and authorities. These are the people to seriously avoid until you feel better. Distance yourself from them for the sake of your peace of mind.

8. Find your art

Everyone has something they can get lost in – in a good way. If writing helps you, write. If drawing helps you, draw, if singing helps, sing your lungs out. I believe that each one of us has an artist inside of them; an artist that only comes to life during sadness and grief and that artist usually saves their lives. I could not put this in any greater words than this. Art saves lives, so it is really important to know your art, and if you don’t use this season to find your art. You’d be surprised at what you may discover on this journey.

9. Ask for space if you need it

If you feel like you cope better when you’re alone, ask for space or even turn your phone off and deactivate your social media accounts. If you think these distractions will make you feel worse, then temporarily take a break from them. Sometimes solitude helps you accept certain situations and think of better ways you can move on. Something to note here is that you really need to be self aware. You cannot know how you behave in solitude if you don’t know yourself, so some knowledge of self will see you through this, personally this is my greatest coping mechanism.

10. Trust that tough times don’t last forever

I know this is so cliché, but it’s true. You can feel stuck and wonder if you will ever get through this or even get past this, but eventually, you will. Maybe in two weeks, two months or two years, but you will and you will thrive because of it.This is more of a faith step though, you have to hold onto something and faith is the best thing to hold on to.

Bonus Tip

I say this with a lot of firmness,wisdom, thought and concern. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO CARRY BURDENS THAT WERE NOT YOURS TO CARRY TO BEGIN WITH. Do not be the saviour of the situation, do not try and solve problems for others if they are not willing to solve them on their own. Walking away is as good as any other option on the table. Think about that!

Noanne ❤❤❤