This month is surely in a rush, no sooner had July started, now we’re already past mid-month. 🤷‍♀️ A good morning to you Millennial readers. How have you all been? I hope you guys had a great and fantastic weekend, I sure did.

Last week we discovered that fear is treatable in various ways but most people shared their  insight on overcoming and coping with fear.  The most frequently asked question from that discussion was if it is okay to cope with fear. What do you think? Let’s find out more on that in today’s discussion.

First things first, coping is the ability to deal effectively with something difficult. In this case there are things that one can do on their own to work on fear and anxiety.

Avoid avoidance- the only way to deal with fear is to face it. Avoiding fear only allows you to have no movement in your life and makes you very anxious. If at any moment you get yourself feeling more panic in you, take as many breaks as possible so that you may feel safe. If the fear and the anxiety in you is mild, you can try the meditation techniques. This can only be done in a peaceful and quiet environment. 

Visit a therapist –If you find it hard to address chronic fears in your life, as explained in the previous article, you can visit a therapist. Note that therapists are not valuable when it comes to avoiding strategies. They actually take you through the process. If you have gone through trauma, it is especially more important to work with a therapist.

Promote positivity- when you have fear you tend to notice and remember all the negative events. Work on this by intentionally noticing the good in everything. This has a lot tio do with a shift in our mindsets.

Find meaning- fear shutters our whole sense of the world and can be very disturbing sometimes.  We need to find ways of restoring our connection with the world by learning what our purpose is. This is mostly brought to enlightenment through spirituality and offering help to others.

All that having been said, it is safe to conclude that coping is not a measure taken to avoid dealing with fear, but rather, it means working through it.

Quote of the week

Every time fear invites itself up, recognize it and smile. Fear will lose its strength.

Sharleen ❤❤❤