Welcome back to our great reads this Saturday, always a pleasure to have you Millenial readers on board. Today we’re back on our Tech vibes and I want to talk about WhatsApp again. I know, I know! It seems like we’re always talking about it, but this time around I am writing about it for personal reasons. I recently discovered something weird about the message delivery receipts on WhatsApp and I wanted to share it with you guys.

So here goes, I’ve been using WhatsApp Business and the normal WhatsApp on a daily basis. The Business one, sometimes attracts so many messages from people and since I am on WIFI all the messages get delivered but that does not necessarily mean that I read all the messages immediately. Sometimes it even takes me a day or three to get to all  the messages on my inbox. 

I got curious one day, wondering if all those people that sent me messages thought I was ignoring them. But I later calmed myself with the assurance that once they clicked info, WhatsApp would most definitely tell them that I had not yet read their messages because  normally that’s exactly what would happen. Or rather that’s how that feature was built to function.

So the curious George in me decided to WhatsApp myself from my normal WhatsApp to my Business WhatsApp and then not read the message and see what the delivery receipt would say. And so I did. Bearing in mind that I was not expecting any negative results, I was shocked when all my messages to myself said delivered and read!!! I had not even looked at those messages yet the info from my normal WhatsApp said read. I tried the same thing for about 3 times, getting the same results, before I finally stopped and almost went into a panic. I mean how many people have been clicking the info icon and thinking I have been intentionally ignoring their messages. That was very unfair, I felt betrayed by WhatsApp because it was not giving the correct information and that was a real blow for me. Just because one is online, does not mean they have read the message so WhatsApp should stop giving such false representation.

I’m not trying to give a bad review about an app, if you know me well you know how much I have embraced technology so this article came as a result of pure concern. In all honesty I only researched on myself so I am not listing this as a fact, but I would appreciate it if you did the same thing and gave me your feedback. As for me, I officially don’t trust the message delivery receipts on any app and I would personally like to inform the people that send me messages on WhatsApp that I have not been ignoring you, I know better than that. 

Can’t wait for your feedback, let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Noanne ❤❤❤❤