Hello Millenial readers😊 it’s been quite a while since we got busy in the kitchen and today we are about to get busy.😅 We’ve recently been providing recipes on different foods and today I thought I should cover our dear vegetarian sisters and brothers. 

Today’s meal is one that a majority might not know but hey, we are hear to learn new things right?

Did you know, just as meat balls exist, so do kamande balls?? For those who don’t know, Kamande is the local Kenyan slang for Lentils and that’s what we’re cooking today.

Well, let’s get right into the preparation then🥳


250g Kamande(lentils) boiled.

1 large chopped onion.

1tsp cumin.

1tsp coriander.

1large potato grated raw.

2tbsp wheat flour.

1tsp turmeric.


2 crushed garlic cloves.

1tsp fresh ginger, crushed.

4large blended tomatoes.

2 cups of water.

1 cup cream.

2 carrots sliced round.

A handful french beans, treamed.

Fresh rosemary.


  • Pour Kamande in a big bowl. Add onions, grated potatoes, cumin, coriander and tumeric while mixing with a spoon.
  • Add flour and mix with your hands. Let the mixture stand for 10mins.
  • After 10 mins, lightly flour your hands and shape the mixture into small rough balls.
  • Heat shallow frying oil and cook the balls in butches over high heat till golden brown.
  • Place on serviettes to drain and keep aside.
  • In a separate pan, heat a little oil and gently fry the garlic and ginger for 2minutes.
  • Add the blended tomatoes, cook briefly then add water and cream.
  • Bring to boil, reduce the heat, simmer for 8-10minutes then add carrots.
  • Add the French beans and simmer for 5minutes 
  • Finally add the fried Kamande balls, simmer in the sauce until heated through.
  • Garnish with rosemary leaves.

Kamande is a naturally tasty legume and this is one way of preparing it and adding flavour to it. 

Serve hot with chapati or rice. Enjoy your meal😉

Essa 😋😋😋