As introduced earlier, auto cannibalism is the tendency of one eating oneself. It progresses from the little nudges of involuntary actions such as picking a scab, biting off of nails, pulling out gray hair out of natural circumstances such as boredom or even to relieve a negative emotion. These mundane acts can however become too extreme. Extreme cases of auto-cannibalism have been reported in many individuals some of whom mutilate whole fingers, ate of a chunk of flesh from their thighs etc. the details, I know, are gory, and no one would want to experience such momentous self-torture. Even though churning and grotesque, the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental Disorders (DSM-5) does not recognize auto-cannibalism as a diagnosable mental health disorder. Even so, examinations and coordinated efforts have been put to better understand the signs and symptoms, as well as possible causes of auto-cannibalism.

Causes of auto-cannibalism

1.       Some cases of auto-cannibalism have been linked to underlying and unresolved depression and anxiety. Having a history of psychosis and substance abuse also increases the propensity of developing auto-cannibalism.

2.       Auto-cannibalism can also accompany conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorders.

3.       Genetics also plays a part of this mysterious condition. Auto-cannibalism is classified under the category of Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BRFBs). Research points out to a correlation between auto cannibalism and an inheritable component of BRFB. Having a family member with BRFB I creases the chances of developing autocannibalism.

4.       Age: a case study of a condition known as Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (LNS) that occurs in children around age 1 highlighted patients expressing the symptoms of auto-cannibalism

Signs and symptoms include:

1.       Damage to the body; basically auto-cannibalism makes one hurt him/herself through practices such as bruising oneself. Damages accrue in form of bleedings, discolorations, nerve damages and infections especially in exposed wounds as a result of bruising.

2.       Gastrointestinal issues are another symptom of the disorder. The manifestations include nausea, pains, stomach ulcers, blood in the stool and may be damaged to the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that these symptoms are not fully definitive of auto-cannibalism but can imply other health conditions. Usually, diagnosis involves a criterion that does not only use isolated symptoms

3.       A person may experience anxiety or distress before, during or after compulsion. Moreover, the victims can also feel pleasure or relief after compulsion as well as shame.

This is a topic that we shall continue to tackle stay tuned on this blog for more.

Dan King’s 💪💪💪