Many times we fall down on the ground and hurt our knees. Usually our first instinct is to sit on the ground and place our hands on our knees as a means of pain relief. Let’s not forget the few drops of tears that escape our eyes.This is a clear sign of quantum energy and that’s what I would like to discuss today.

Quantum energy is a natural healing method that utilizes our body’s own life force energy to bring about optimal wellness. 

The energy that flows through our body is the same energy that sustains all living things.

From Quantum Energy we learn about Quantum touch. This is a vibrational touch therapy that incorporates touch, breathe work and body awareness meditations. Its concepts are closely related to polarity therapy and is primarily a light touch energy therapy,but it is secondarily promoted as a therapy that helps bones to spontaneously adjust to their proper alignment.

How does quantum-touch energy healing work? Although it may be tempting to believe that we can heal other people, it is of utmost importance to realize that all healing is self-healing. Quantum touch addresses the root cause of diseases and creates the space for true healing to occur.

Infrared Rays Therapy 

Infrared therapy is a safe, drug-free, and effective way to reduce pain and inflammation throughout the body with the use of light. Though the method is relatively simple, it has become the center of many studies for its effectiveness in the treatment of a wide array of health conditions, such as depression, fatigue, depressed immune function, and sleep disorders, that occur during sunlight deprivation.

When we look at the sun, it doesn’t only provide the world with light, but also heat and energy for people and other living things to survive and grow. Humans absorb the sun-rays through the skin and eyes, and use the energy for many metabolic processes. That’s exactly what goes on with these forms of alternative treatment. On the next post we’ll have a look at the benefits of this therapy and more. Stay connected.

MaryMwas ♥️♥️♥️