We have started this year with a great political storm that is affecting the whole world. Ranging from the American continent, down to us here in Africa. It’s like all of a sudden everyone has become political. Our politicians all seem to be confident and outspoken but with minimal results and unseen progress. 

I fail to understand so many things when it comes to politics. But over time I have learnt how to be content with the mere fact that politicians are kings who hold power on the right hand, and on the left hand a joker’s card which they draw out to the society that elected them when need be. This could be for either two reasons: to either mock them or put smiles on their faces, keeping them calm when things go wrong.Well, the question is who fails to smile at a joker’s card each time it is drawn from the deck?

Go with me to gain more political insight as we examine the story of Stalin.

How to enslave a nation

What is it that Stalin supposedly did?

The tale follows as thus:

Stalin once ripped all the feathers off a live chicken as a lesson to his followers. He then set the chicken on the floor a short distance away. The chicken was bloodied and suffering immensely, yet, when Stalin began to toss bits of wheat towards the chicken it followed him around. He said to his followers This is how you govern stupid people, they will follow you no matter how much pain you cause them, as long as you throw them a little worthless treat once in a while.

Is it a tale or a fact? The truth of the matter is that we shall never really know this truth, but this story gives us food for thought and should shape us politically.

In Kenya, it has been more than two years since the deputy governor of Nairobi County (Capital City of Kenya) resigned from his position. We have ended up running the county as a market with no set rules or consequences of the actions our leaders take. 

Corruption has been on a rise, appointment of the 40 judges has become a chilled activity. I feel like we are on a chilled activity placing the golf ball on the ground and swaying our hips if not minds on how far we can aim. Honestly, I am tired of being tossed around, I am tired of being made a joke off, I am honestly tired of us, the country people remaining silent and failing to ask the right questions. 

On January 15, 2021, Ann Kananu Mwenda was sworn in as the new and first female deputy governor of Nairobi. My question just like everyone else I hope, is asking who she is and where did she come from? Where was she when the County was in chaos and we pleaded for a deputy governor? Why wasn’t she brought on immediately when there was a problem with the previous governor?

When IEBC was handing over certificates for the contestants who wanted to display their capabilities for the Nairobi Governors sit, didn’t they know that there was already a deputy governor who is to be sworn in before an expiry of 60days after the Governor’s sit was declared vacant? What level of clowning is this?

Does anyone else sense conspiracy in the air? Or is it a coincidence that we now have a supposedly nominated deputy governor, whose agenda is not yet known to the people. From what I have gathered from different political analysts, is that this is a game of the top players which is the Government. They are afraid of us having the Nairobi County governor by-election as they lack the knowledge of knowing who will be the winner this time around and they simply don’t want to take any chances. This fear has brought about the court swearing in a deputy governor who will automatically become the Governor.

 The big elephant in the room is: Is she the people’s choice? Is she the one to drive Nairobi’s agenda into completion or is she a puppet tagged along in the big agenda? Is this among the many situations as a nation, where we are forced to move along and say yes just because the government knows what is best for us more than we ourselves do? Is a by-election so expensive for a country that is saving up resources and time for the BBI? These are questions that I myself have no answers to. 

As we speak the Law Society of Kenya ( LSK) protested against the swearing in of Kananu, terming it as illegal. We are yet to know the clear outcome of these allegations and as usual all we can do is stay put and tweet.

Stalin further concluded: People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food for the rest of their lives. I’ll leave you to ponder on that for now.

MaryMwas ♥️♥️♥️