First things first, What’s up 2021? Happy New Year to all of you Millenial readers, we are excited for what this year has in store for us.

With the excitement of a whole new decade and us surviving a worldwide pandemic, it is only befitting that we should take 2021 differently. Unlike all the past years, this one seems more promising and full of potential. On that note, here are some of the few crazy traditions that people from all over the world practice at the beginning of the year, all in the name of spreading good luck to the year.

  1. Eating a Fish Dish

Fish is considered another good New Year’s entrée, since fish only swim in one direction — forward, like the movement of time. So people eat Fish dishes at the beginning of the year in hopes that their year will be full of progress.

  1. Keep the windows and doors open 

It’s a common superstition that opening the doors and windows will let the old year out, and the new year in. 

  1. Choosing underwear

Certain countries, especially in Latin America, believe that the color of your underwear can bring good things to you in the next 12 months. Yellow is for luck, red is for love and white undies bring peace.

  1. Eat 12 grapes

These 12 grapes represent the 12 months of the year and if you eat them on New year’s Eve at each of midnight’s 12 clock chimes, then that may guarantee you a good year ahead. If you fail to eat those grapes timely then the opposite happens.

  1. Save a wish for the next year

Here you can have everyone write down a resolution, goal, wish or note to their future selves, put it in a jar, then save it for the year. In the following, you can retrieve the jar and read the notes to see how far everyone has progressed.

I wrote this simply for knowledge and fun and doing all the above does not guarantee you a perfect year 2021. But one thing that I am confident works is that if you work hard this year to be better, to improve on yourself, and extend kindness to others, then you will have a good year ahead of you. The best way to start the year in my opinion is to start it with hard work and kindness, and above all be yourself. You will need to remember that all through the year. Cheers!

Noanne ✨✨✨