Over the past few months, we have been tackling various mental health illnesses, how to live with them, and even debunked some myths around mental health. The festive season can bring with it extra pressure which may affect our mental health in various ways, it is therefore very important to take care of your mental health during this period. Today, we shall find out how to take care of your mental health amidst all the celebrations and festivities that come this season.  Here are a few tips to get through:

  1. Avoid comparisons that are not helpful.

Some people may have the idea of a ‘perfect’ Christmas. Comparing ourselves to them may bring some anxiety and some form of disappointment which is not healthy. Everyone has their definition of their perfect Christmas and yours is just as perfect as theirs. Being content with your Christmas will go a long way to ensuring you have fun and enjoy it!

  1. Participate in some community gatherings.

For most of us, Christmas is a time for our families to come together and celebrate. However, with the Covid-19 restrictions such as travel bans and other containment measures, it may be difficult for family members to travel and meet. This need to be surrounded with people can be curbed by engaging in local community gath3rings. You get to meet new people, dine together, and share stories, love and laughter. And isn’t this what Christmas is about?

  1. Give yourself a break.

With all the pressure that may come with the festive season, we might forget to take a break. But in order to take care of our mental health, breaks are crucial. Go out for a walk, a run, for a cup of coffee, swimming; basically anything that helps you unwind. Take some time off of things that drain your energy and dedicate more time to your wellbeing. 

  1. Get enough rest.

The festive season might demand a lot of energy from us as we are catching up with friends and family after a whole year and attending to them. This may eat in on our sleep time. However, to ensure we take care of our mental health, we need to sleep enough and get enough rest. Learn to politely say no to activities that will spill over into our sleep time. Ensure you get enough rest every day.

This festive season may affect your mental health in that you may feel left out because everyone seems to be so happy and having fun while this may not be the case for you. You may also feel like Christmas is coming in between some other important events that you had to attend to. Either way, your mental health is as important now as it has always been. Follow the tips given to ensure your mental health is well taken care of during this Christmas.

SharonahKen ♥️♥️♥️