At the 11th minute of a 01:53:43- long movie The Case For Christ, lady Leslie asks lady Alfie(if that’s the right spelling) “How can you be so sure…” She asks this in response to Alfie’s sincere conviction that it’s Jesus who enabled her to save Leslie’s child who was choking on some candy. Alfie ,like most of us would be , is perplexed at the ecumenical persuasion that things don’t happen by chance but by divine direction. Whatever it may be, this Christmas..lots of people are kinda asking.. ” How sure are you of Christmas.? How do you know if you should believe the Mary immaculate,and Jesus birth story?. How sure are you it even happened in history.Just how sure can you be.”. “Hello Christmas Leslie”😊, let’s argue this out.

Christmas is basically a celebration of birth, and Easter is the celebration of life of Jesus. To Christians,it is of utmost relevance because it is believed that Jesus Christ was born to save the world. Yes, that’s simply Christmas simplified. A birth of Christ. Mary was conceived of the holy spirit in what is a miracle in itself. The birth of Jesus is the reason for the season and the reason for many doubts too.

Christ’s birth isn’t entirely a “story” as Christmas is in some circles..the dates are not perfect to the specific date because the calendar has changed systems in history and thus a possibility of it being 25th December is , rightfully, questionable. The original calculation by Dyonysius Exiguous, a Scythian Monk,placed the birth of Jesus at around 754 AUC . The initials AUC are like the modern AD, and BC ,only that AUC (ab urbe condita) meant “the founding of a City [Rome]). The other prominent works of establishing the Christmas time in History is by professor Joseph Fitzmyer who suggests that the birth occurred on September 11, 3 BCE. Some ancient manuscripts point to Jesus’ Birth on March 28 and even Clement ,a bishop of Alexandria thought Jesus was born on March 28! However, the focus should not be on the dates, but on the reason.

The reason, the birth of Christ, is also a subject of wonder if Christ indeed was born as it’s said to be, then the validity of Christmas is set straight. In my view, the proof of Christ’s life is proof of Christ’s birth. That said, what’s left is to try and explain the miraculous birth of Christ. How could it happen that Mary gets pregnant ,and Joseph is innocent of it? And Mary is a virgin? I’m short, how a mother can be a virgin at the same time.

The life or Jesus isn’t a Mathew,Mark,Luke and John subject. His birth,role and purpose in the world is recorded many years before his birth whose time is traceable through history . The prohecies of Christ’s birth were prophesied by Isaiah (Isaiah 11:1), Jeremiah ( Jeremiah 23:5-6), Micah (Micah 5:2;). Infact, Micah’s prophecy mentions the exact place where Jesus would be born which is Bethlehem. More evidence can be found in Numbers ( Numbers 24:17), ..and with historical data the best test of purity of data is through consistency in history.

The fact that Christ’s birth is consistent with authors who knew little of each other, prophesying the same topic in different ways validates the birth. To question the works of the pregnancy is literally questioning faith. But this faith has been proven through history,and so seems fit to be believed in. Isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy of the miraculous conception and the events surrounding the birth of Christ are recorded in Hosea and Jeremiah.The simplest excuse I would give to anyone is how these characters mesh so perfectly, unless a deliberate lie is passed on through history among people who had no contact, and no historical association between themselves, the debate somehow is settled.

The movie, The case for Christ, ends with Lee ,the main character, finally agreeing that Christ is a story of historical evidence and therefore a possible truth. I have said ” possible ” so that I can invite you to check it out and decide for yourself..

By and large, Christmas is more than a day,more than just feasting. It’s a time to recollect ourselves and believe again. However, the skepticism about the dates are justified especially if you look into the history..but the birth is certainly true. If Christmas isn’t right with you,let everyday be a celebration of Christ’s birth. 😊

Dan_King’s πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ